Funny, isn’t it? How we have a love-hate relationship with muffintops!
It’s the best part of the muffin (in my opinion, anyway!) but when it comes to the ones that spill over our jeans, not so delish, right?
Which is why I am totally enchanted with Truth About Fat Loss reader and fellow blogger Carole’s “MuffinTopless: 20 – 4 -20” that just launched April 1.
And there’s another reason as well. First, a couple of details about MuffinTopless!
What’s 20 – 4 – 20?
Here’s what Carole’s project is all about:
1. 20 women who are bloggers and who are on Twitter all bound by one goal — to lose 20 pounds.
2. Most are following the weight watchers point system, but it’s not a rule!
3. The program launched April 1
4. Method of communication? Tweeting! And posts on the MuffinTopless Blog, of course (you’ll see me there cheering on and offering support!)
5. Cost of program? Nothing. Just be encouraging to everyone on the team.
6. Why is Carole doing this? In her own words:
(a) I’ve tried every weight loss program in the world, REALLY, and nothing has worked
(b) I need accountability
(c) I get too bored with “programs” so I decided to make one up
(d) I love the sense of community I’m finding on Twitter and I want this to be kind of a social media experiment…bwuahahahaha
More at the blog, but that gets you going with the Muffintopless big picture!
OK, What’s My Second Reason? Getting Support!
The second reason I’m all for Carole’s plan is that is features one of my Top Ten Motivational Tools for Weight Loss Success: Get Some Support
It can be SO easy to become isolated.
We fall short, become frustrated, make a bad choice or have a bad day, and isolate ourselves, becoming cocooned in negativity.
Having a team to help keep things in perspective and focused on recognizing your accomplishments and being proactive with attitude can make all the difference.
Pop on over to Carole’s blog here: MuffinTopless. I’ll see you there!
P.S. Isn’t Carole’s copyrighted, custom designed mascot logo (above) adorable? On top of a muffin! 🙂
© Lani Muelrath All Rights Reserved
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What a fantastic support group, and use of today’s technology! I enjoyed the quick glance of the blog, and the bit of twitter I could read.
So, can anyone join?? I do love the idea of Muffin Topless – what a great line, but even better, what a great way to get rid of the muffintop!
Thx for letting us know about this, Lani! Carole – you have an awesome group!
Paym, isn’t it a darling site?
I think Carole’s group is booked for this round (she planned on 20 women) but I don’t know how firm she is on the number.
At the same time, anyone can go by and join in the fun on the blog, reading, commenting, and sharing. I know I will be!
Please let your readers know that I am opening up the group to include more. Walmart started out with a project called “The Eleven Moms” and they ended up with 22 instead. Although MY project started out with 20, I see no reason not to open it up!! The more the merrier. Thanks!
Hey Carole!
Oooh, great! I assume you’ve posted this on the MuffintTops blog? Off to check it out!
Thanks for dropping in with the news about the “adds” 🙂