What a week this has been – filled to the brim with opportunities to share enthusiasm about healthy, happy, plant-based fit living. Here are some highlights I can’t wait to tell you about.
First, NPR: I was invited to appear as Plant-Based Fitness Expert in a conversation about plant-based diet and bone vitality.
Second, a feature from yours truly on Huffington Post. More fun per minute!
And one of the best Earth Day’s ever – reporting in with pictures.
NPR Show All About Bone Vitality and Plant-Based Diet
First, as promised, I have the link to the NPR radio show from where I had the distinct honor of sharing the microphone with Michael Castleman, co-author of Building Bone Vitality: A Revolutionary Diet Plan to Prevent Bone Loss and Reverse Osteoporosis.
Host Nancy Wiegman called the show “Strengthening Your Body and Your Bones” and had this to say about it:
Two best-selling authors provide diet and exercise information. Plant-based health and fitness expert Lani Muelrath’s book is Fit Quickies: 5-Minute Targeted Body-Shaping Workouts. She struggled with weight herself until 17 years ago when she lost 50 pounds. She has been a guest lecturer in kinesiology at San Francisco State University, and is certified in plant-based nutrition.
Michael Castleman is one of the nation’s top health writers. He has written more than 2000 health articles for national magazines and 13 consumer health books. He has taught medical writing at the Graduate School of Journalism at UC Berkeley. For their book, Building Bone Vitality: A Revolutionary Diet Plan to Prevent Bone Loss and Reverse Osteoporosis, he and his coauthor reviewed more than 1200 studies dealing with the risk factors for osteoporosis and concluded that the calcium theory of osteoporosis endorsed by leading health experts is not supported by the facts.
So, what’s the alternative to cramming down calcium supplements or drinking milk for calcium? Find out more by playing back the recording of the show – download the mp3 for playback later here:
Link to NPR audio download of “Strengthening Your Body and Your Bones”:
Bone Vitality Bonus Round with the Healthy Happy and Fit Club

This topic – bone vitality, calcium, and diet – is of such high interest that I plan to make it the highlight of discussion on the Healthy, Happy and Fit Club call for April 2013. If you are already a member of Healthy Happy and Fit Club, watch your email for date and time for this month’s training call. If you are not a member of Healthy Happy and Fit Club and would like to join us, you can sign up here:
Healthy, Happy and Fit. Even if you can’t make calls live, I always end out the recording to members and you can cancel at any time.
GPS for the Soul on Huffington Post
Another exciting development was being featured on Huffington Post with their new app “GPS for the Soul”. Complete with an app you can download to iphone, here is Arianna Huffington’s inspiration behind GPS for the Soul:
The stress and strain of constantly being connected can sometimes take your life — and your well-being — off course. GPS For The Soul can help you find your way back to balance.
If you don’t have an iphone – in which case you are not along, as I don’t either – you can enjoy the slide show of pictures and quotes right on your computer screen.
Here’s my GPS on Huffington Post:
Earth Day Celebrations

As presenter at the Earth Day 2013 program at the David Brower Center in Berkeley, CA, I was able to celebrate this annual event in a big way. I’m busy downloading pictures from the event, and am adding several new entries into the
Fit Quickies Gallery starting with Gene Baur, Jill Nussinow, and more to follow.
Karine Brighten Events, event organizer, had the great good vision of seeing the important role fitness plays in all things healthy and progressive. She invited me to present
The Power of the 5 Minute Fitness Break, lead 2 fitness breaks over the course of the day, and be a special guest on the guest panel interviewed at day’s end. It was rewarding, exciting, and such a treat to turn a whole lot more people onto the
Fit Quickies concept and book. Everyone in the David Brower Conference Center jumped enthusiastically to their feet to in the words of a participant – ‘get their Fit Quickies on!’ Photo below.xxx
I’ve created a photo album for the event on here. Still more photos going up, so keep checking back in.
Here’s hoping you too had a glorious Earth Day!
wow Lani what great timing for me when just being diagnoised with osteoporosis, this is a must for me to see, not to sure if i can access it though but i am going to try, dont know what huffington is eaither something new to me , anway will go through and see what i find, thanks heaps Anna
Well you are right – perfect timing! Let me know if you have any trouble at all downloading the Bone Vitality audio, OK?
Here’s another link for you:
Thinking of you,