Speaking Engagements
Lani Muelrath is an award-winning, internationally recognized presenter and speaker who brings expertise and excitement about mindful, active, vegan living to the stage at your event. Lani has also been featured on CBS TV, multiple health conferences, wellness events, festivals, ABC TV’, The List, Fox News Radio, NPR, and created and starred in her own CBS TV show. Celebrity presenter and coach for the PCRM 21-Day Vegan Kickstart, Plant-Pure Nation, CHIP (Complete Health Improvement Project), and at community, college, and university venues, contact Lani to speak at your wellness event, health conference, festival, private group, broadcast media, or online via telephone or Skype.
Expert Topics for Media:
- Get Stressed. Eat. Repeat. How To Break Stress Eating Habits and Cut Through Cravings By Simply Paying Attention.
- The Five Universal Stages of Transition to Plant-Based Nutrition.
- Mindfulness-Based Stress Management for Advocates and Activists
- Whole Foods Plant-Based Nutrition:The Easiest Way to Find Your Naturally Healthy Weight
- The Five-Minute Fitness Solution
Click here or on the red tab below and scroll down to see topics and details
Partial listing:
- Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine, Washington, DC – September 17, 2016
- PlantPure Summit September 7-16, 2016
- Eat Well, Stay Well Immersion (Columbia, MD) – September 18, 2016
- Get Healthy Sacramento (Sacramento, CA) – August 28, 2016
- Vegetarian Society of Hawaii (Oahu and Maui) – August 9-11, 2016
- Davis Interfaith Alliance – author will be speaking April 10, 2016
- NAVS Vegetarian Summerfest (Pittsburgh, PA) – July 6-10, 2016.
- Cosumnes River College (Sacramento, CA) – April 7, 2016
- 4th Annual Vegan Iron Chef Competition (San Francisco, CA) – emcee for this event, February 24, 2016
- Woodland Public Library’s Wellness Program (Woodland,CA) – February 17, 2016
- Tiburon/Belvedere Library Association – October 22, 2015
- Healthfest Texas (Marshall, TX) – April 1-3, 2016
- SacTown VegFest (Sacramento, CA) – author presentation on January 30, 2016
- Barnes & Noble (Chico, CA) – book signing October 11, 2015
- Compassionate Living Autumn Potluck (Santa Rosa, CA) – October 17, 2016
- World Veg Festival (San Francisco, CA) – October 3, 2015
- The Avid Reader (Davis, CA) – book signing September 20, 2015
- Sacramento Vegan Society and Forks Over Knives Meetup, Baagan, Rocklin, CA – March 26, 2017, 12:15 – 1:45
- The Wellness Forum, Cleveland, OH, April 13, 2017
- Bali Vegans, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia – June 2017
- Vidal Speaks Podcast – July 5, 2017
- NAVS Vegetarian Summerfest, Johnstown PA – July 5 – 9, 2017
- Plant Fit Summit, September 1 – 10, 2017
- Main Street Vegan Radio with Victoria Moran – September 27, 2017, 12:15 p.m. Pacific Time
- Plant Based Chico, Chico, California – September 28, 2017
- Vegan Republic, Berkeley, CA – September 30, 2017, 2:00 p.m. Event
- San Francisco World Veg Festival, San Francisco, CA – October 1, 2017
- Animal Place, Grass Valley, CA – October 2017
- Sacramento Vegan Society and Forks Over Knives Meetup, Baagan, Rocklin, CA -October 8, 2017
- Book Passage, Corte Madera, CA Book Signing – October 14, 2017
Partial listing, in addition to online interviews and Summits
- Compassionate Living, Santa Rosa – January 20, 2018
- SacTown Vegfest, Sacramento, California – January 27, 2018
- Our Hen House podcast, March 4
- Canton Ohio Vegetarian Club, March 15
- Cosumnes River College, April 11
- UC Davis, PEACE Project: People for the Elimination of Animal Cruelty Through Education – May 2, 2018
- Mindfulness Retreat for In Defense of Animals, at Banyon Grove, California, June 8 – 9
NAVS Veg Summerfest, Johnstown, PA, July 4 – 8
Alaska Veg Fest September 8
- KEYNOTE Speaker, Caregivers Conference, Springfield, ILL, September 15
- Creating Your Best Life Retreat, Stanford Inn Resort, September 28 0ct. 1 2018
Chicago VegMania October 13
“Lani’s presentation was heartwarming, inspiring, and engaging! She is an amazing role model for everyone who wants to get into better shape and feel better mentally and physically.”
~Karine Brighten, Karine Brighten Events
Linda Middlesworth, Producer, Get Healthy Sacramento and Founder, Sacramento Vegan Society
“Lani, your segments are always awesome and we love having you. You are so comfortable on air and really get the INFO out while still keeping the segment moving. The feedback is always great from whomever you talk to! You are ALWAYS welcome on the show so keep the ideas coming!”
Alyson Hanner, Managing Editor CBS/ KMAX-TV SACRAMENTO, CA
Lani Muelrath is an engaging presenter with a relatable story that resonates with so many. We were so fortunate to have Lani speak about being a mindful vegan at our Barnard Medical Center. We had to pry people away from her afterwards! Her presentation captivated the audience’s attention with not only her success story, but the way she made science practical about using mindfulness and meditation as a tool for overall health.
Jill Eckart, Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine
“Lani’s engaging style draws in her audience with story and keeps them connected with a wonderful balance of learning modalities – sharing relatable explanations of scientific concepts and research based findings, while strengthening the mind-body connection with physical movement. Lani’s passion for life and enthusiasm for spreading her message is contagious and will encourage even the most skeptical to find hope in the power of change, and feel better in their own skin.”
~ Timaree Hagenburger, MPH, RD, HFSC, Consumnes College Department of Nutrition, Sacramento, CA
Media Images: Click on photo below to view slideshow For high resolution files contact admin@lanimuelrath.com
Available Topics for Events or Media:
Get Stressed. Eat. Repeat. How To Break Stress Eating Habits and Cut Through Cravings By Simply Paying Attention
What if you know all the right foods to eat, can easily assemble a delicious, healthy meal – but still can’t seem to pull it off for more than a few days at a time? What if your dietary ideal keeps getting derailed, especially when you feel stressed?
Food temptations are everywhere, and it’s not hard for our brains to learn a food-centered reward-based habit. Mindfulness training has emerged as a specific way of targeting this habit loop. Mindfulness can be the deciding factor between your successful adoption of a healthy vegan diet and repeated frustrating attempts, by going to the heart of many troubles related to dietary choices, eating behaviors, and related issues. Find out what the research says about mindfulness as antidote to negative eating habits from the author of the new book The Mindful Vegan, Lani Muelrath
Rookie or Rock Star? The Five Universal Stages of Transition to Plant-Based Nutrition
Rookie or Rock Star? The Five Universal Stages of Transition to Plant-Based Nutrition
The doctors, dietitians, and research scientists give us the facts about plant-based nutrition. But connecting it all with your reality? That’s where Lani Muelrath—top plant-based, vegan living coach and author of the The Plant-Based Journey: A Step-by-Step Guide to Transitioning to a Healthy Lifestyle and Achieve Your Ideal Weight—comes in. Drawn from decades of personal practice, experience coaching thousands of others on their shift to plant-based living, and research, and informed by the survey responses Lani collected from over 1200 people who have successfully transitioned to plant-based living, there are five universal stages of transition to plant-based living.
Come discover what makes the difference for sustainable success. Whether you are plant-curious and simply want to eat more whole plant foods,looking for resources for helping others on their own plant-based journey – this session will enlighten and inform.
- What are the five universal stages, or steps, to the transition to plant-based living?
- What is the best transition timeline – over night, or over time?
- Discover how to successfully advance through each of these steps – and take the guess work out of the process
Why Exercise Is Essential for Making Lifestyle Change
The Food and Fitness Connection:
The Profoundly Positive Effects of Physical Activity On Your Plant-based Journey
Diet or exercise – which should you focus on first when you want to change your habits and get healthier?
Don’t wait until you’ve ‘got the food down’ before you become more physically active! Exercise is the simplest, most direct way to give muscle to the building blocks of the brain.
Find out:
- How exercise raises your readiness for positive change with its profound effect on your brain chemistry.
- Why simple movement increases self-efficacy, opens the door to possibility, and inspires action.
- How sitting less gets your mind ready for positive change by increasing neuroplasticity.
- How exercise elevated mood, creates better brain connectivity, and strengthens the command center of your brain. These are directly related to your ability to make healthy lifestyle change.
- How physical activity raises your tolerance for stress and increases resliency – essential for lifestyle change.
Mindfully Vegan
Yet what if you know all the right foods to eat, can easily pull together a delicious, healthy vegan meal – but still can’t seem to pull it off for more than a few days at a time? What if your dietary ideal keeps getting derailed, especially when you feel stressed? Mindfulness shows you new pathways to overcoming negative habits.
Research shows that mindfulness practice can:
● Enhance positive emotions, self-confidence, well-being, patience, and compassion
● Experience more calm in the midst of a hectic life, creating a greater capacity to deal with adverse events and situations – due in part to changes in the brain.
● Reduce stress, anxiety and depression, and improve moods
● Quiet your mind from intrusive, energy-sapping thoughts
● Increase mental clarity and focus – even if you are stressed-out
● Improve working memory and tame your wandering mind
● Enhance creativity and improve insightful problem solving
For those who struggle with following through on their food plan, addressing long held habits makes the difference between success and frustrated failed attempts. In this session, find out what the research says about the positive effects mindfulness can have on eating in response to stress, anxiety, and other emotions – factors that reside at the roots of self-sabotage. MIndfulness meditation goes to the heart of many troubles related to dietary choices, eating behaviors, body weight, and related issues. With mindfulness practice, one becomes aware of underlying thoughts and emotions that can drive set patterns of behavior, opening the door to a new response.
If you want to dissolve compulsive or self-sabotaging patterns involving food, or simply want to fundamentally improve your relationship with eating – and with your body, mind, and emotions – come find out from Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Lani Muelrath – who has also been practicing mindfulness meditation for almost twenty-five years – what the practice of mindfulness practice has to offer you.
Get Off Your 'Buts'
- Find out how even short fitness breaks and simply sitting less can reverse the problems of inactivity – known as inactive physiology.
- Learn why physical activity boosts your ability to make healthier food choices and ease your way on your plant-based journey.
- Discover the four steps to becoming a more active person, overcoming obstacles to exercise.
You will also come away with a few simple do-anywhere, easy instant invigorators so you can easily become more active starting today.
How Whole Foods Plant-Based Nutrition:The Easiest Way to Find Your Naturally Healthy Weight
You Carve Your Figure With Your Fork
The plant-powered solution to weight loss
- How plant-based nutrition trumps genetic predisposition when it comes to your weight.
- Why your hunger signals are not wrong or faulty.
- The differences between satiety and satiation, both critical to weight control – and how a plant-based diet satisfies both.
- My three rules of satiety and how they are your secret to hunger satisfaction and weight control.
- How to apply the processed continuum and abandoning carbophobia.
- How to succeed with the simple basic understanding of calorie density.
- How to replace the small plate rule with my big plate trick for easy weight management.
The Five-Minute Fitness Solution
The Five-Minute Fitness Solution
How to Easily Combat the Problems of Disease and Diminished Brain Function Due to Sedentarism
- How too much sitting is hazardous to your health – physically and mentally.
- How to cut through the clutter of information about fitness in the media.
- Reps vs. weights: What does the research say about resistance training?
- Short bouts of exercise vs. long training sessions: what does the research say?
The 5 minute fitness solution to the physical – and mental – health challenges of our sedentary lifestyle.
Writing and Interviews
Writing and Interviews
Lani is the author of The Plant-Based Journey: A Step-by-Step Guide to Transition to a Healthy Lifestyle and Achieving Your Ideal Weight and Fit Quickies: Five Minute Targeted Body-Shaping Workouts and The Mindful Vegan (Fall 2017). Lani’s expertise has been featured in her writings for multiple media publications including Prevention Magazine, The Saturday Evening Post, Huffington Post, Forks Over Knives Blog, Engine 2 Daily Beet, Vegan Mainstream, VegWorld Magazine, N.A.K.E.D. Magazine, and various other blogs and magazines. As an instructional design expert, Lani has also written study guides and course materials for implementation in various instructional settings. Lani is an enthusiastic expert in answering questions and writing about a plant-based nutrition lifestyle, fitness, and active, mindful living topics. Contact Lani regarding her availability for potential writing and interview inquiries.
About Lani