Move Your Body
Health is more than the numbers on the chart.  It’s also having the vitality and energy to do all the things you want to do, rather than being held back by lesser fitness. Exercise is also the simplest, most direct way you give muscle to the building blocks of the brain. Move your body – even something as simple as walking – every day!
How to Easily Counter Stress In Minutes with Restorative Yoga: The Supported Bridge (video)
Restorative Yoga is a mindfulness-of-body practice that quickly counters stress and restores equanimity. The Supported Bridge is one of my favorites. What follows is the transcript of the video above. This video was created as a gift for pre-ordering The...
The Day The Blue Zones Met The Mindful Vegan: Does Diet Affect Your Happiness?
The Day The Blue Zones Called Imagine my delight when the managing editor at Blue Zones central reached out to me regarding The Mindful Vegan. They had fallen in love with the book, and were particularly interested in sharing an excerpt from Day Seventeen in The...
How to create your own simple all-the-bases-covered exercise routine
Nancy gets stars all over the chart for what she has done this year to take charge of her health, fitness, and body shape. Actually, last year too, when she made major headway in a 40 lb weight loss and made a solid shift into a whole-foods, plant-based diet. One of...
Can you walk your way to a longer life in just twenty minutes a day?
It's happened again. No sooner had I clicked send on my last email to you - demonstrating the strong link between eating whole grains and longevity - when this gem popped up in my news feed. It seems that just when I submit my book manuscript, another study emerges...
Fit Quickies book now a required text book at college and university course, PLUS two for one book giveaway (first ten only!)
Congratulations to the ten winners of the two-for-one giveaway!  Cherie, Matt, Adrienne, Linda, Katherine, Dave, Sophia, Casey, and Jennifer - your copies of Fit Quickies are on the way! Exciting news!  Fit Quickies:  5 Minute Targeted Body Shaping Workouts is now a...
USA Today called, Kim Kardashian, and the truth about the shape of your back side
Who'd have ever thought I'd get a call from USA Today to weigh in on how to get a back side like Kim Kardashian's? And of course, my first thought was "who'd want a back side like that?" And also, of course, though not being follower of pop culture - just as everyone...
Five Healthy Tips for Plant-Based Baby Boomers
I don't care what any one says, when you become a 'lady or gentleman of a certain age', something shifts. Muscle maintenance can be harder, weight gain easier, and the inclination to simply not move as much can sneak up on you. When I jumped into my sixth decade, in...
The FDA called, my new mountain bike, Healthy Taste of Sacramento event, and the Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease Cookbook winner is….
The FDA called Holy health in high places! A staff member from the FDA in attendance at the recent PCRM International Conference on Diabetes - that I recently reported in to you about here - in apparent enthusiasm, shared her copy of my book Fit Quickies - along with...
Getting a jump on the plant-based journey : this week on the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies news
How exactly is it that taking a brisk walk not only improves your mood, it also elevates your ability to make better choices when it comes to what you put on your plate? A little bit of exercise quite literally is the quickest and easiest way to get  a jump on the...
3 reasons getting fit can feel like an uphill fight and what to do about it
Have you noticed?  We are somehow much more interested in talking about food and eating than we are, for the most part, about  exercise.  Write a blog post about sneaking in workouts and post it right next to a new recipe, and guess what everyone wants to read first?...
Fit Quickies in The Saturday Evening Post!
What a treat and honor to see this feature in the newest issue of The Saturday Evening Post.  I'm so excited to be able to bring  this news - and a couple of screenshots - to you today. The Saturday Evening Post article (click here to read the article at the Post...
Is exercise not helpful for weight loss? Reading between the research lines
"Exercise not helpful for weight loss!" - so read the headlines on a recent newsflash that just surfaced in my inbox. As you can imagine, I received a flurry of emails asking me to speak to the article. Â It took a little bit of sleuthing, but a persistent search...
What your calf muscles are dying to tell you: Fit Quickie #10 (video!)
There's something that your calf muscles are dying to tell you. Think about it. When you sit down, recline, or otherwise get off your feet, what happens to your calf muscles? They check out of the program, don’t they? This is fine for awhile - especially if you have...
T. Colin Campbell Foundation Fit Quickies book giveaway
Note: Â Fit Quickies: Â 5 Minute Targeted Body-Shaping Workouts is featured in the June 2013 issue of the T. Colin Campbell Foundation News. Â Welcome TCCF News readers! You've found it! This is the page for you to toss your ticket into the ring to win one of 3 copies...
How to easily burn an extra 25,000 calories – without working out
How to easily burn an extra 25,000 calories - without working out by Guest Blogger Anita Alvarez Who wouldn’t want to burn 25,000 calories over the course of a year, without adding one single minute of aerobics, pilates, or weight lifting? I learned the secret: a...
Armed for summer: triceps are the all stars when It comes to shaping your arms (video!)
Fit Quickies #3: Triceps Triple Play from Lani Muelrath on Vimeo. The triceps are THE muscle most responsible for the shape of your arms. As a matter of fact, the triceps are the all stars when it comes to shaping your arms. The triceps are often overlooked in...
What should you eat before and after your workout? The plant-based diet solution
What should you eat before and after your workout? Trendy marketing materials and the supplement industry push shakes, powders, and special supplements.  But what if you are more interested in  the real food, plant-based diet solution? Does meal timing making a...
Thank you! Fit Quickies celebration 3-day special, (first 50 only)
Two months ago, on February 5, Fit Quickies:  5 Minute Targeted Body Shaping Workouts  - - was officially released. And to say THANK you for your enthusiastic support - and that you made Fit Quickies a best-seller at launch - I've got a special offer for you if you've...
4 reasons you need to get your glutes in gear
There are lots of exercises that target the "backyard", as I like to call that beautiful assembly of muscles known as the gluteals. Yet regardless of which specific training exercises you employ, there are four very important reasons that - bottom line - you need to...
How Julianne made a standing work station and sneaks fitness in with Fit Quickies
Right on the heels of reporting in to you about my new standing work station at my home studio, along comes Julianne with an inspirational story of her own. My Transition to a Standing Workstation How Julianne made a standing work station and sneaks fitness in with...
I’m not going to take it sitting down any more! 4 tips for a great standing work station
You know I've been on a mission (tirade?) to get you sitting less.  No fewer than 5 pages of Fit Quickies:  5 Minute Targeted Body Shaping Workouts are devoted to the problems of sedentarism, the hazards of sitting too much - and the easy fix. Which is why I couldn't...
Fit Quickies Book Tour launch: 5 minute fitness is spreading like healthy wildfire
The first official Fit Quickies:  5 Minute Targeted Body Shaping Workouts book signing was celebrated this week at the esteemed and perfectly charming Lyons Books in Chico, California. I couldn't have asked for a better start to taking the Fit Quickies message out in...
Are you in the Fit Quickies Gallery? Julieanna Hever just in!
Forks Over Knives called…
Brian Wendel is the industrious, creative and visionary power behind the ultra-popular documentary, Forks Over Knives. This movie has been an agent for change and has  had a tremendous impact on the health education - and health - of our modern society.  Case in...