Congratulations! Welcome to Fast Start

Hello Action Taker!

Thank you and congratulations for opting IN to my Fast Start Plan.  It is a way to take ACTION like no other.

When you sign on for Fast Start, you are sending the message that enough is enough and it’s time to get off the fence about your fitness, your shape, your energy, your health  – your happiness about it all.  Remember that with a few variations on the theme, I have experienced the same challenges and will show you exactly how to be a winner with weight loss and shaping your body and mindset to make it happen.

I will provide you with  step-by-step plans to help you achieve your goals.

At the same time, YOU will be the one who will need to do the work and make the changes.  I can coach you and guide you, but I can’t do it FOR you.  And if you’ve made it thus far, through our interview and conversations, it means that I have confidence in YOU.

Let’s go!

Have you:

  • clarified your goals
  • set your intentions
  • taken starter measurements and photos
  • studied the dietary guidelines (assuming you have received them, if not, this is one of the first guides you will receive from me

Lots more ahead.  I’m so excited for you!


Talk soon –

Love and success,

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