Survey July 23, 2009

Always aspiring to bring you content and information that you find most useful, I’m hoping you will help me do just that by answering a couple of quick questions.
And I’ll send you something for your time, too.  More about that below.
First, your answers will be kept confidential, of course!
These are the quick questions to which I hope you will respond by
clicking “reply” to this message and sending along to me:
1)  Please name your top concerns when it comes to your fitness.  For
example, you could choose from the following:
  • weight loss (how much?)
  • relief from pain
  • more energy
  • body shaping
  • health
  • body image
  • exercise techniques
  • motivation
  • making a plan
  • nutrition/dietary plan
  • relationship with food/eating/body
  • mastery of psychology
  • stress management
  • other!

Please elaborate with as much detail as you can about what assistance you are looking for.  This will provide me with the assistance needed to  create articles, projects, and programs most suited to meet YOUR needs.

2)  What do you like to read about and find most helpful for your
personal fitness needs?  In other words, tell what articles and videos
that you have found on my blog, newsletter, (or anywhere) that you
have found most beneficial and interesting.
3)  Send any additional information you can send to me regarding what
you need in the realm of health, fitness, well-being, psychology, weight loss
  • What do YOU want? I want someone with whom I can talk to and we know what each other is going through and understand each others feelings.  Help each other get to their goal.
  • What are YOU looking for?  Someone to be my buddy in weight loss and help me get to where I can to be.
  • What gives you the most concern with all of this?  Being over weight and not being here to see my son grow up.
  • Does anything about health, fitness, diet, and weight keep you up at night?  No, I have learned to live with it, but I do not want to live with it.  I want to be skinny/normal, walk with out my legs rubbing together.  Look nice and get compliments.


Please respond to this message by Saturday, July 25.  The sooner the better, asI plan to address some of these timely issues on my

When you respond, I’ll be happy to send you by way of saying thanks the audio recording of my TeleSeminar earlier this summer with Heather Petrie, recently featured in People Magazine and on Good Morning America for her significant ( 150 lbs!) weight loss success. On this call Heather tells us about her journey to weight loss and some of the key points of her successful story.
You can simply send your reply to, and put “survey” in the subject line.  This will get your information to me.
Then within a few hours you will receive your free audio gift.
With all best wishes and appreciation,

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