Then you have come to the right place.
Yes, your fitness dreams can come true. I stake my Fitness DreamMaker™ brand on it.
You can cut through fitness information clutter – I call it “fitfo” – to realize fitness, weight loss, and fat loss.
But before I go on, a warning: this is not your typical weight loss, fat loss, and whip yourself into shape blog.
Between us, if you’re here, it’s because you are looking for real answers about fitness, how to lose fat or weight, and how to gain energy and have more vitality.
And let’s face it. You’ve had enough of the quick fix promises and the magic bullets that never worked.
At least for long.
And as achingly complex as your quest for weight loss, fitness, and more energy may have become, you know in your heart and gut that there must be a simpler, better way.
I can save you loads of time, money, and energy when it comes to turning your fitness and fat loss dreams from frustration to reality.
After 30 years of trial and error, I emerged over 10 years ago from an extra 50 lbs into thrilling fulfillment of my fitness dreams.
Hi, I’m Lani Muelrath, aka the Fitness DreamMaker™.
First, let’s get a couple of things straight.
If you have a hunch that it’s not all just about your diet , then you are absolutely right. Eating behavior and nutrition alone will not bring you lasting success at weight loss or having more vitality.
If you have a hunch that it’s not all just about your exercise, then you are absolutely right. Exercise alone will not bring you lasting success at weight loss and vitality.
If you have a hunch that it’s not all about just having enough will power, then you are absolutely right….are you seeing a pattern here?
In fact, there are a LOT of big mistakes I see women make all the time when it comes to fitness and weight loss. And that’s what inspired my FREE Special Report “5 Fatal Mistakes Women Make When Trying To Become Fit” that you can download for free in the sidebar at right.
Why should you listen to me?
Let me say it first with pictures. As someone who battled weight and was perpetually at war with food, eating, and my body for over 30 years, I unloaded 50 lbs once and for all over 10 years ago and since then have coached dozens of women in the tools of my process to happy, healthy fitness freedom via my Woman’s Fitness BluePrint process.
Here is my 11 year photo history. Click to enlarge.
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And that’s not all. I’ve the coaching experience, education, training, and professional track record to back it up.
What is The Truth About Fat Loss For Women?
The Truth About Fat Loss For is a blog (weblog) website for women who, just like me, want to optimize their fitness, become and stay strong, fit and more energetic, and achieve the outlook of their dreams.
It is for women who, bottom line, want to master their fitness, multiply their energy, and move their lives forward. We want the physical confidence that comes with a fit body and a self-image to match.
It is for women who want to cut through all the clutter, distraction and conflicting information that we are delivered about health, fitness and weight loss for some real, life-affirming and life-friendly tools that will actually deliver and bring results.
Truthfully? Taking charge of your fitness releases enormous potential for taking more charge of your life. You know it, you’ve experienced it, and there’s nothing quite like it, is there?
Look. I’m not a fitness model, and neither are you. Yet just like you I want to be as vibrantly healthy and energetic as possible to live my life – without being a slave to diet and exercise.
Honestly. Do I know all that there is to know about fitness and fat loss for Prime Time women? Do I presume to have all of the definitive answers? Of course not!
Yet I DO know that there is a LOT of information out there – much of it perpetuated by the fitness and food industries themselves – that may be causing more harm than good. More confusion than clarification.
And I also know that women who are into, through, and beyond their 40s and 50s benefit enormously from insights, information, and details about fitness, fat loss, and energy that are unique to our needs.
The kind of information that gives us practical, simple yet powerful tools that can help us on the way to realizing our fitness – and life – dreams!
Between you and me, don’t you think it’s time we get to the heart of the matter – for clear information we can use to catapult our success?!
Are you with me on this?
If you are a woman in your prime, and you KNOW there must not only be a simpler, easier path to achieving your fitness goals, so your fitness works FOR you as you live your life….then you are just like me.
Hope Not Hype
And if you are looking for the straight skinny on cutting through the hype to what really helps you become slim and fit, physically and emotionally confident, AND more productive and energetic than ever, well, that’s my passion – and you’ve come to the right place.
You will find on this blog:
- A repository of useful articles for immediate action for women aspiring for becoming and staying fit – the kind of fitness that invites you to realize more of your potential than ever before. The articles here are aimed to help you with all aspects of fitness and well-being.
- Fresh content is added regularly including how-to instructional articles. video and audio dealing with always hot topics like nutrition, exercise, psychology of fitness, and news and information from the fitness world. Inspirational stories from real people. You will find reference to research materials is already a regular feature in many articles.
The blog entries are displayed chronologically in the left hand sidebar. Join in the conversation on the blog posts – registration is easy and there is a “comment” link at the end of each post. Recent comments are linked just to the right.
Who Is Lani Muelrath?
The Truth About Fat Loss For content is produced by Lani Muelrath, an award-winning*, holistic fitness lifestyle mentor, coach and entrepreneur from California. Lani has created, managed, and implement several different fitness, health, and stress-reduction programs for over 30 years. Through her highly successful signature program, Woman’s Fitness BluePrint: An Action Plan For Success has coached many women to master their fitness – and move their lives forward – by successfully addressing exercise, nutrition, and mastery of psychology. Lani draws on her own experience and passion for integrative fitness along with extensive education and expert training to teach others how to build and manage their own success.
Lani has a Master’s degree in Physical Education, and has earned multiple certifications of instruction for a variety of exercise and fitness techniques. She is a guest lecturer in the Kinesiology Department at San Francisco State University. Lani is also a credentialed teacher at both the College, Secondary, and Elementary levels. Her undergraduate degree is in Fine Arts with an emphasis on Dance, Music, and Art.
Lani is also an accomplished fitness writer, from her weekly FitDream Ezine to her new position as Healthy Living Examiner at and as managing editor at
You can find out more about Lani via her online bulleted resume here.
*Recipient of the Golden Apple Award for Instructional Excellence in Higher Education.
To Get Started!
Please enjoy my free gifts, including the audio download and transcript of my popular TeleClass “5 Biggest Mistakes Women Make When Trying To Become Fit – And What To Do About It!” You will also have email access to my FitDream Ezine. Just enter your email in the right hand sidebar and be sure to follow through with the confirmation email you will receive so that you don’t miss out.
And the “Contact” form is right on the navigation bar, too.
Love and Success!