Leave it to the innovative, tenacious, and visionary Dr. John McDougall of the Santa Rosa, California McDougall Health and Medical Center to get this groundbreaking piece of legislation moving up the legal ladder.
SB 380 just passed by California Senate Committee, would require doctors to having ongoing education about nutrition.
Uh oh, we’re talking preventative wellness here.
We’re talking considering – and implementing – physicians being required to be more informed about nutrition, and hopefully as night follows day, patient access to dietary information and adjustments that can be made to reverse and even prevent disease through dietary choices.
Is there anyone out there who is still surprised when they hear that their family doctor only had 90 minutes or so of nutrition education in medical school? If that?
Of course not.
It’s time that this travesty is corrected. The emperor needs to put his clothes on. Imagine a world where your doctor connects the dots about your obesity to what you are eating. Or diabetes to what you put on your plate. Or….you fill in the blank.
A copy of the bill as amended can be found HERE>>>
The obvious questions pop up at this point. Who will provide the nutrition education for these physicians? What will be the overriding perspective of such education?
Yet at least we’re getting some ACTION taken in the conversation: Diet DOES influence our health.
Onward! Upward! Your thoughts? Please leave them in ‘leave a reply’ below.