This just in:

Monica Heyden

Hi Lani!

I’ve been using your 15-minute blast strategy every morning and it’s the best exercise program I’ve ever found.  It’s BETTER than Tim Ferriss’ strategies in the 4-Hour Body, and much, MUCH easier to implement!   ~ Monica Heyden, CEO, Tailored


Hey thanks Monica, I’m so glad you likey my Burst Training guide.  It’s the easy answer to the gotta-get-in-my-cardio-but-don’t-have-much-time problem. (Get your free copy HERE).

And thanks also for providing me with the perfect opportunity to pop in with response to Tim Ferriss’ newest work on the market, The 4 Hour Body, which was featured recently on Dr. Oz.

Did you see Tim Ferriss on the Dr. Oz show?

If you haven’t read Tim Ferriss’ 4 Hour Body (guilty!) or seen him on the Dr. Oz show (I caught the segment on a flight out of DC a few days ago), here’s what happened on the Dr. Oz  piece.

Tim Ferriss’ new best seller, The 4 Hour Body, recently hit the body fat-loss magic bullet market.  The Oz segment focused on 3 of Ferris’ strategies for fast weight loss, specifically fat loss.

My concern here is what many viewers are probably going to get out of this.  Here are the 3 major recommendations for fat loss from Tim Ferriss’ 4 Hour Body and the problems I foresee for the public with them:

1)  4 Hour Body plan:  Pound down 30 grams of protein  for breakfast.

Supposedly, this is going to help you by to raising your metabolic rate.  High protein foods recommended are the usual animal-based proteins: meat, eggs, and fish, which are a workload for the body to digest. So is the idea here that we want to create a stress load for the body from which to recover in our desperation to lose weight?  Does the ends justify the means?

Response:  Most Americans are eating too much concentrated protein as it is.  And that’s not the only problem.  I’m betting that those who employ the ’30 grams at breakfast’ tactic are going to simply add it to everything else they are eating, merely adding to the calorie overload and flooding the body with far more protein – and the fat that comes with it – than it needs.

The US RDA for protein is .8 grams per kg of body weight.  If your body weight is 150 lbs, to convert that to kg you take 150 and divide it by 2.2 = 68kg.  68 x .8 = 54 grams of protein.  Those 30 grams of protein out of 54 RDA comes out to 56% – over half of the protein – recommended for the day.  As an alternate, the USDA recommends for AI (adequate intake) protein for healthy adult females is 46 g per day, and 56 g per day for adult males. The AI is 9 to 52 g for children, and 71 g for pregnant and lactating women.

With this kind of protein overload at breakfast – 30 grams –  you would easily surpass your protein requirement for the day (30 out of 46 grams would be 65%), taxing the body system.   As long as you are eating a variety of whole foods and eating sufficient calories of vegetables, starchy vegetables, whole grains, beans and legumes, and nuts and seeds, you easily fulfill your protein requirements.

2)  Sit in a bathtub of ice water for 10 minutes 3 times a week. 

An alternate method was demonstrated on the Oz show of placing ice packs on the back of your neck, forehead, and chest.  This thermogenesis trick -generating body heat by ramping up metabolic rate –  is nothing new.  Bodybuilders have been keeping their thermostat at 50 degrees and taking ice baths for years to stimulate the thermogenic response in the body as it struggles to maintain our normal body temperature of 98.6.   Brown fat is stimulated more than anything to keep us warm.  The idea here is to be burning calories at a higher rate and inspiring fat loss.

Response:  I’m betting that those who employ the ‘sit in an ice bath’ tactic are going to bear up to this stressor for one week, 2 weeks max.  And I’m betting they aren’t going to make lasting dietary changes for their health. And over a year’s time, how would this really play out in fat weight lost and health gained?  Brown fat diminishes as we get older anyway, as we are born with stores for survival as infants.  I just don’t see ice tubs becoming as popular as hot tubs.  But that’s just me.

3)  Binge once a week.  On the Oz show, a huge buffet of junk food was rolled out to demonstrate this tactic and as you can imagine this inspired all kinds of enthusiasm.  The idea of calorie overload to help ‘shake up’ your metabolism is nothing new.  When we eat, or metabolic rate is driven up, just by the very act of eating.  Thermogenesis is created.  When we eat less, the metabolic stimulus drops commensurately.

Response:  When we eat piles of food, metabolic rate is driven up.  Of course. However, not enough to offset the caloric load damage from the endless junk food.  You can’t out train a bad diet, and in my experience you can’t out-diet a junk food binge day.

There are so many things wrong with this recommendation I don’t know where to start.  With the binge:

  • you can easily cancel out the calorie deficit – and weight loss – you may have created over the rest of the week.
  • you keep your taste for junk food alive.
  • you flood the body with enough fat to possibly cause a coronary event on the spot.

There is so much potential for damage with this as a practice, that in no way can it be seen as a positive recommendation if you are aspiring for health in any way, shape or form.  Feast days may happen in your overall plan, but to plan a junk binge one day a week?  Hogwash hook.

The point is, there are far simpler solutions to the weight problem that actually build health and don’t depend on stress to the body or take all of your concentration to cling to.   And is this something you want to – and can – maintain as a lifestyle?  Possibly.  Good luck.

Why this kind of weight loss nonsense produces best-sellers is beyond me.  The solution to the weight problem we have in wealthy societies is simple.  Get back to simple fare and move your body.  A whole foods, plant-based diet that has lots of fiber and is spare on fats has proven to make the fat slim and keep the slim slim.  I can’t think of a quicker ticket to the stuff-starve, binge-purge pattern than the recommendations as featured on Dr. Oz’ show.

You may argue that I haven’t read The 4 Hour Body book in its entirety, a fair observation.  At first I thought this might be problematic for my response, yet now I see it as an advantage to making my point.  Most of the people watching that Dr. Oz segment probably had it as their first or only exposure to the book as well, and the point being made is what the viewer might come away with and try to implement from that single broadcast.

And as for Dr. Oz, he seems to have taken on the qualities of a chameleon.  How can he promote the Engine 2 Diet one week and then be all smiles and support the next with the likes of The Four Hour Body?  Viewers take note.

What’s the wildest fat loss and weight loss advice you’ve heard – or tried?  Please share in comments below!

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