Yes, Virginia, not only is there a Santa Clause, but you can have your carbs and eat them, too.
We’re on Dominica, a lush Caribbean Island for a tropical getaway (granted, it’s working vacation for as you can see I am online!)
It’s mountainous, gorgeous, full of hiking trails and crashing beaches – one of which we survey from the elevated deck on the house we’ve rented.
The people are friendly, life is simple, and there’s only one glitch we perceived in the works:
– where to get our beloved fresh fruits and veggies?
The question plagued us for the first 24 hours, as each small village hosts only, apparently, tiny “basics” stores` with rows of tins, and plenty “snackettes”.
We knew there must be a way, as we are surrounded by hills of banana orchards and the warm rainfall is a prescription for backyard gardens.
Oh – I forgot – the other challenge was some good, grainy bread.
24 hours later and voila, all problems solved!
We found a baker who makes ultra-grainy bread to order. She even delivered early, along with a tray of cinnamon rolls unlike I’ve ever encountered before (hence the inspired title to this post). She even makes quiche, veggie pizza, and pie if the mood so strikes.
The veggie/fruit problem was solved with an excursion to the weekly farmer’s market half an hour through the muddy jungle road, where we scored armfuls of tomato, papaya, grapefruit, and banana – THEN we arrived home to find the night watchman, who has a farm as well, had left us a box brimming with goodies from his gardens: avocado, starfruit, cucumber….we’re in heaven! The biggest challenge then became what to have for dinner. We ended up with big fat avo/tomato sammies (an all-time favorite in our house), along with the freshly-uncorked bottle of Argentinian white, cucumber, and starfruit.
Now, here’s the best part. You know that I only eat things that I like, that I refuse to give my life over to stringent dietary and exercise routines that take all the pleasure out of it all.
At the same time, you know that I love the feel of strong, fit, and trim.
AND – what you may not necessarily know about me – is that one of the goals of my fitness venture is to find solutions that would allow me to do just what I am telling you about today – travel to far flung who-knows-where places, be able to tumble around to find food solutions and enjoy what I can create from the findings, without obsessing and compulsing about food groups, calories, or any of it – yet still be successful!
Here’s the truth – I know that because of the work I have done on the psychology of food and eating, I can enjoy ALL of this today without a worry. And my confidence in my workout schedule, my dietary plan, and my overall balance of all things health and fitness will deliver for me again. There is tremendous joy in that confidence. And I know that I will probably arrive home at just about the same weight as I left, because I don’t freak out and go overboard with black-and-white and perfectionism. I’ll probably just hop on the scale, take note, restock my home fridge with the quality and variety that I know serves me best, continue my workouts, and be none the worse for the wear – no, actually better because I’ll have another wild and woolly travel adventure committed to memory!
P.S. Here’s a snapshot of the farm goodies Augustus brought by our house, on the railing of our back porch. Wanna come over?

Hi Lani! It’s Vicki from the fall session. You are just killing me with all this tropical talk…stuck in the snow in frigid weather for the last couple of weeks, lol. My body was just telling me it’s time to lighten up and trek out to the grocery for something fresh and light and your post totally backs that feeling up. By the way – I made it through the holidays without gaining. I indulged, but not too much, and I knew exactly what I could do to balance it. I spent a couple months just maintaining and now I’m back to doing what I need to do. The new mindset I have is like magic!
Oh my! If I’m killing you with the tropical talk, then maybe I shouldn’t tell you about today! Steamy jungle hike to ruins with trail emerging at cliff to open ocean…a big fat local tomoto sammy, then on to the market and bakery for more fresh goods from our bakery diva, including cinnamon buns for brekkie…
Anyway, don’t want to overshadow the wonderful, wonderful news in YOUR post and I’ve got to underscore: “time to lighten up, off to the store”…with what carefreedom and delight you speak!
“made it through the holidays without gaining, knew how to balance…now back and doing what I need to do….new mindset is like magic”
You’ve GOT it girl. (Hope you don’t mind the “girl”, it just goes so easy in the sentence and is fun to say). Just like a normal person, right? Don’t you love it? You maintained, enjoyed, and now can ramp up a bit without the obsessing and compulsing, the worry. You have studied SO well Vicki. You are just like me in so many ways!
Your words are a treasure and I’m thrilled for you.
Come on by for dinner, I’m serving fresh greens from the lettuce patch on the ocean cliffs, enchiladas from the market with a slab of fresh avo from market, wine and no doubt a chunk of those rolls for dessert! And it’s something like 76 degrees! More of everything!
hugs, Lani
Enchiladas…you have me drooling. And I can’t tell you how good a fresh tomato sounds. Won’t have fresh tomatoes here until July. I do love hearing about your travels and eating vicariously through you!