I’ve been patchy in my green drink consumption.
Distracted by all the fresh veggies and fruits of summer, my occasional glass of glop (OK, that’s what a green drink often ends up looking like!) had gone AWOL.
In my own defense, my antique Vitamix threw its blade assembly awhile back and I haven’t been able to get it fixed. This is a lame excuse however, as green drinks CAN be made just as easily in a robust blender.
But this morning I was inspired to an early workout (post french press only).
And after my stint at the barre, feeling energized, healthy and trim, the green drink loomed enticing, quite suddenly and unexpectedly.
Great use for those greens that aren’t quite up to your salad standard anymore
Besides, I had a tub of mixed dark greens that were begging to be consumed before they turned the corner to wilt.
My basic green drink – aka “blended salad” – is easy easy.
1) Take 3 – 4 handfuls of greens (mixed dark and spinach work great) and drop it into your blender or Vitamix
2) Add water and ice to cover (cold is GOOD when it comes to blended salads)
3) Toss in chunks of frozen (or fresh if no frozen) fruit. Favorites are orange chunks (ok, I don’t freeze the oranges!), blueberries, pineapple….this morning I used frozen mango chunks.
4) Blend and whir, and enjoy!
Why Eat Blended Salads
Don’t we all know by now the importance of eating green vegetables? And several servings a day, at that.
The problem is, often time to consume same is at a premium. On occasion, the blended salad delivers the goods of many servings of veggies in a fraction of the time.
And you can actually up your servings in this easy fashion as they are easy to eat. If you want to eat your vegetables but don’t want to or don’t have the time to chew a salad for 1 hour, a blended salad can be the perfect answer.
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I had to grin when I saw this post linked on Facebook — we invested in a BlendTec a little over a year ago for this exact reason! We love, love, love our green smoothies. When I go for a while without drinking my greens, I forget how much of a “high” I get right afterward. Seriously, it’s a big energy boost!
Now that’s something new to me – “Blendtec” – must investigate! Thanks for reinforcing my inspiration to get back into the “green”….you’ve inspired me!
Well I am now sippy on a smoothie, green one that I made, usually frozen banana, cranberries and raspberries. They were so frozen my little blender had a hard time. Time to invest in a Blendtec or vitamix. Thanks Lani
I have a hard time deciding what to eat and a smoothie is quick and not much thinking involved.
@Rhonda: Rhonda, cranberries? Now there’s a new thought for me! What did you use for greens?
There’s nothing like a Vitamix! We tried the BlendTec and took it back to Costco…just had to have another Vitamix, since ours finally bit the dust. We’d had it for so many years, I can’t remember how old it was. It’s far superior to the BlendTec, in my humble opinion.
Carol, good to know. I have an ancient VM that I inherited. I think my MIL bought it in the 70’s? It’s just got one switch and a stainless steel can. Had to replace the drive assembly once and get new washers for the top, but other than that she’s good to go.
Thanks for the helpful post! I hadn’t heard this advice before and can pass it on.