Sometimes an email comes in that I just can’t wait to share with you.  Such is the case with the message I’ve just received from Julianne, which I am calling Julianne’s Fit Quickie adventures.  Actually, you might call Julianne a fellow plant-based adventuress.

I share this with you today to offer inspiration, encouragement, and a big shot of motivation for your mindset practice.  When others share their wins, we all benefit instantly.

Julianne is as fit as they come, and wasn’t sure if the Fit Quickies were right for her.  It’s a misconception that needs to be overcome – just because they are quick doesn’t mean they don’t do the trick!  The point is, they hit all the right spots – and hard.  They are what I use to keep my muscle shape and strength.

She followed her instincts to give them a whirl, and was delighted by the new dimension they brought to her fitness, focus and energy levels.  Here is what Julieanne wrote:

Hi Lani,

I found out about the Fit Quickies book  pre-order gift 🙂  via your blog broadcast.   I”m looking forward to receiving the Plant-Based Blueprint!

I have fallen in love the concept of Fit Quickies and want to become familiar enough with them to able to use them as my “go-to” tools (in particular to nip the binge/overeating spiral in the bud, as I mentioned earlier), in conjunction with regular yoga/meditation as part of the “frame of mind” pillar. I absolutely LOVE your brilliant 3 pillar concept, because it really drives home the point that optimum health, while founded on diet and exercise, will remain elusive, at least in the long term, without the proper mindset — that’s the key component, and one I think is probably most overlooked.

By the way, I wanted to let you know that when I first found out about your Fit Quickies, I didn’t think they would be especially helpful to me, as I am a regular, vigorous exerciser. I thought they were targeted more at sedentary folks who can’t or don’t have time to do actual “workouts.” However, as I have found out more about your 3 pillars to success, I have come to realize that the Fit Quickies not only reinforce on a daily basis what I’ve already built, they are really just as much a part of the frame of mind component as the fitness component, and are a perfect way to instantly make me feel better and take away the urge to eat for stress relief (my personal Achilles heel and something I have been working very hard to eliminate), allowing me to redirect my energy in a positive way in those crucial moments before a binge/overeating session. Thank you so much!!

I have been plant-based for a little over a year now and am currently completing the last module in the eCornell Plant-Based Nutrition course – yeah! I actually have just recently gotten “on-board” with your program (having just joined the Success/Happy Healthy Fit Club last week) and have been exposed to the Fit Quickies through the bonus audio downloads and through browsing on your website. I plan to get the entire series, along with the guided mediation, from you as my own Christmas present 🙂 I would like to take advantage of the 10% discount for Club members.

I know a little bit about HIIT and often do a stationary bike workout involving 8 sets of 20 seconds on/10 seconds rest, 6 minutes normal pace, repeat. It really energizes me and allows me to get in a fabulous workout in a fraction of the time.

I would be honored to have you publish any of my comments on your website! Please feel free to  use as you see fit!

With Gratitude for all you do!

Julianne Rowland
Johnson City, TN

Lani’s comments:  First of all, thank you Julianne for sharing all of these details that offer so much insight into what has obviously become a journey filled with exhilarating success for you.

This letter is so packed with juicy nuggets I don’t know where to begin. Do you hear the messages?   “…optimum health, while founded on diet and exercise, will remain elusive, at least in the long term, without the proper mindset...” , ….as much a part of the frame of mind component as the fitness component, and are a perfect way to instantly make me feel better“.

As Julianne has discovered, when you get the food right, the fitness is so much easier.

Thank you Julianne for sharing so clearly your thoughts with all of us!

Click on this  link to find the Fit Quickie book pre-order gift that Julianne is talking about.

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