When it comes right down to it, what do we all want when it comes to building fitness and vitality?
Real information, including no-nonsense facts about how to lose body fat and build muscle.
I’ve already told you how glad I was to come across Eat Stop Eat, which I’ve detailed more about here: 5 Reasons To Try Mini-Fasts and Min-Fasts: My 4 Month Report. Truthfully, it’s a non-diet “diet” book that is straightforward with information that makes sense. Easy-to-use scoop about fat and weight loss and metabolic rates.
And if you ever get the chance to meet the author Brad Pilon, you’d know exactly why this is. He has a way of making the complex sound simple when it comes to nutrition!
February 23 – 25, 2009, is the official launch of Brad’s new book “How Much Protein” and he is giving it away for free for those three days if you pick up a copy of his famous weight loss book Eat Stop Eat.
You can meet Brad and listen for yourself! I have Audio AND Video for you today!
First: the Audio! If you were not able to come to the Conference Call with Brad on Saturday, February 21, not to worry: here’s the audio recording! (as linked above right below the header)
START HERE: Listen In! Introduction to Conference Call w/ Brad Pilon & Lani Muelrath, Sat. Feb. 21; SPECIAL NEW BOOK OFFER DETAILS! (3 min) Click audio bar below or download here
Listen In! Part 1: Introduction to Conference Call w/ Brad Pilon & Lani Muelrath, Sat. Feb. 21; SPECIAL NEW BOOK OFFER DETAILS! (3 min)
Part 2: Conference Call Content re: “How Much Protein?” w/ Brad Pilon & Lani Muelrath , Sat. Feb. 21 (55 min) More Details and Video Below Starting Feb 23!
ALSO! As I promised video for today, here it is; read on for MORE about the special offer good ONLY February 23 – 25, 2009:
(As a matter of fact, you can meet Brad today via these short videos about protein; they’re informative and short enough that you can enjoy them in less time than half a cup of coffee🙂
Three Short Videos (about 2 minutes each)
Video 1: Protein Can Be Found In More Foods Than You Think!
Video 3: Protein “Guilt” – A New Perspective!
Brad spent over 7 years working in the supplement industry designing muscle building and fat loss supplements.
If you know anything about the supplement industry, you know that they market super complicated formulas and products and try to dazzle you with over the top science.
So Brad knows all about the problems with over-complicating things, which is probably why he enjoyed making Eat Stop Eat as simple as possible.
After working in the supplement industry for 7 long years, Brad went back to school to complete graduate studies in nutrition. Through a series of rather odd events Brad ended up studying the metabolic effects of short term fasting.
It was this research that created Eat Stop Eat – easily one of the most unique fat loss books I have ever read. It literally shifted some of my views about nutrition, and I know it will do the same for you. It has even launched new research on my part.
But that’s not the only reason I’m posting this today. The other thing I wanted to tell you about is something extraordinary. I’ve recently had a chance to read an advance copy of Brads new book called “How Much Protein?”.
This book may forever change the way you look at protein foods and muscle building, and how much protein you really need to eat to build and maintain muscle mass and metabolism while losing bodyfat!
Prepare to have your nutrition world rocked, but in a good way.
Think about it. A book about how much protein you need to build muscle written by a former supplement industry insider who he himself wants to know the answer. That should tell you something about how confusing this topic really is…this book gave me the real answer about post workout protein, do we need protein at every meal, how much is too much and on and on.
Just like Eat Stop Eat, Brad’s book “How Much Protein?” actually answers this question in a way that makes sense and can be applied easily.
These books have caused quite a stir already, here are just a few things that people are saying about both Eat Stop Eat and “How Much Protein?”…
“I have finally lost the few lingering pounds that were stopping me from feeling really good about myself. I’ve literally been feeling like I’ve been taking a supplement that actually works, although I’m not taking anything at all (I have tried a good many and nothing has ever felt like its done anything except take my cash and flush it down the drain…)
I’ve gained muscle definition like never before and the layer of body fat that was covering it all has been noticeably disappearing!
I am looking forward to getting down to under 140 pounds over the next couple of months – a full 14 pounds off my previous ‘good’ weight of 155 pounds!! I really didn’t think I’d ever be there, but now it really is on the horizon! And all I have to do is nothing, not bad, eh? So thanks Brad, for freeing me from OCE!
And of course, for freeing me of those extra pounds!”
Caroline Radway
South Hampton, UK
“I started the Eat Stop Eat diet three months ago and have lost over 30 pounds!”
Meghan Gabel
Gainesville Florida
“I fell in love with Eat Stop Eat because it freed me from the every 3 hours, tupperware, calorie counting crowd.”
SPECIAL Book Launch Offer
For the next three days Brad is giving away How Much Protein? with every copy of Eat Stop Eat purchased.
Hidden gems like this you don’t come across that often. Get your copy of Eat Stop Eat with your free copy of How Much Protein here and prepared to have your nutrition world rocked.
PS – Here is what a few people are saying about How Much Protein –
Ok. I want to say Thank YOU. But no, it’s not about what you think it is. You hear how great you are all the time and stuff. But no, I want to thank you for finally proving me right and me being able to shove this book in my friend’s faces and prove them wrong. J. Reeves
Ok, ego aside. Thanks a lot Brad. I knew this secret for a long time, but you know… There was always that nagging, pesky feeling in the back of my mind. It creeped into my training and it ruined my body and spirit. I’m talking about “hmmm, what if I’m not REALLY eating the right amount of protein?”… Thank you for giving me the final and definite answer once and for all! My training has lifted off, and now I have one less factor to think of (plus my wallet is thanking you, whew, those are SOME savings!).
p.s. I really love how you laid out the book. I see you put special effort into making it all flow easily. I swear I just glided through the book and it seeped into my brain. It was that well organized and streamlined. Reading it doesn’t feel like work. Good job on that one. And thanks again. A. Novy,
I can’t believe how much this impacted my life. I used to be one of those “HAVE to have protein at every single meal of the day” kind of people, but now this makes it SO much easier to eat what I want to eat and still gain as much muscle as possible. Now I don’t really have to worry about getting enough protein (more than my minimum amount at least, which is easy to hit) and my life got a lot easier!”
Now here is the best part, today (February 23) is the official launch of Brad’s new book “How Much Protein” and he is giving it away for free for the next three days if you pick up a copy of his famous weight loss book Eat Stop Eat.
Remember…this FREE Special Offer ends on Wednesday, February 25th

Perfect timing! Thanks for the great recordiing – I was on the call but wanted to listen again.
I just downloaded the books and am going to get started reading tonight.
Thank you!