Honey, we’re home! The Muscles Mud and Merlot Fitness Retreat this year surpassed my wildest dreams…thanks to my spectacular guests! A quick camera download delivers the following photos – more to follow (including video!) as we pool our resources. Stay tuned!
Muscles, Mud and....Merlot! At Luna Winery, Retreat 2009. We were naturals at the wine tasting!

Luna Winery offroad excursion...everyone else at the spa!
Victoria "Kiwi" and Cheryl Chardonnay, our classy mother/daughter team

Sandy from Seattle and Sondra from Toronto splash with color at the Cantina dinner Saturday night

Lois and "Pedicure" Pamela

Pampered Patsy, Lomi lomi Lani, and Sandy

Stepping into Silverado mansion for our last workout Sunday

Looks like everyone had a grand time! Wish I could have made it, but with losing my job it was impossible. Good news is I started a new job last Monday!
Lani–you just keep getting cuter every time I see a pic of you!
Maybe next time–
@Pat Brown: Pat, it was FABulous and I was so sorry you couldn’t come. Promise next time! And congrats on the new job! You must tell me the details.
Thanks for your sweet words, too!
Looks like FUN! Someday I need to make it to one of the MMM events.