My friend Anne Young nicknamed me the “Kickstart Chick” and I couldn’t be more proud, yet humbled, to wear the nametag.
ok Lani – I’m in you cool Kickstart Chick you!! I am so honored you made me famous on this site!! now How cool is THAT? 🙂
~ Anne Young, CN
So, are you in with Anne and me?
Today is Day 4, so there’s plenty of time. This is my 3rd year coaching Kickstarts – I think I’m in for my 9th round or so? And it’s a fun food adventure each and every time.
PLUS some exciting Kickstart news – the Team has created a celebrity page for me and I couldn’t be more honored.
21 Days of support and friendship. Support forums for Q & A (I’m there every day with you).
More information and signup links for the 21-Day Vegan Kickstart HERE.
Teleclass for Kickstarters (pssst…you are invited too, even if you aren’t on the Kickstart!) HERE.
In the meantime, are you getting all the plant-based fitness news that’s healthy, fit, happy and hot each week? Click here to join 1,000′sof others + get your weekly health, body shaping and food advice for free from the Plant-Based Fitness Expert & Adventuress.