“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” Sun Tzu quotes (Chinese General and Author, b.500 BC) image: starphototegal
There is one thing of utmost importance when it comes to success at weight loss.
Is it diet? Your workouts?
Yes, these are important pieces. But they are part of the puzzle. The tactics.
But tactics demand a strategy.
You must have a strategic plan.
Think of your fitness as a business. Because it is.
Bottom line, in any form of business, if you have any hope of success, a strategy, or plan of action, is absolutely essential.
You do not become successful in business with just a hope and a dream. Yes, they are essential parts of the big picture, but they are not enough.
The same goes with your fitness and weight loss plan.
You need a strategy – preferably one that is proven!
Think about the last time you embarked on a weight loss, fitness, or body makeover program.
Ask yourself these 2 questions:
1) What was your plan?
2) What was your specific success?
3) How long did it last?
A strategy for weight loss success must be holistic
Absolutely, and unwavering is my steadfastness to this principle. It is the core of the Woman’s Fitness BluePrint, my flagship program for weight loss success. A holistic approach.
[holistic: emphasizing the importance of the whole and the interdependence of its parts]
To be comprehensive enough for change, this holistic nature must be scaffolded into the strategic plan.
And that strategic plan must address the 3 basic components of change when it comes to weight loss.
Want to hear more?
Join me on the Woman’s Fitness BluePrint Preview call Tuesday, July 28, 2009.
On this free TeleSeminar, I will be giving more details about the structure and framework for weight loss success as outlined in the Woman’s Fitness BluePrint Action Plan for Success program.
And whether you decide to work with the Woman’s Fitness BluePrint or not, you are going to get a lot out of this call.
You will hear:
- the three basic components that must be addressed when it comes to weight loss.
- the one thing you must put into place before expecting solid results in your weight loss
- the one thing you must abandon in order to succeed
- two components of your weight loss plan that absolutely must work together to bring you success
…and more..
I will also overview the Woman’s Fitness BluePrint program to clarify how it all works. A review the 8 modules as well as the logistics of the course will take place.