by Lani Muelrath | Nov 11, 2009 | All Posts, Move Your Body
Lani, Just wanted to send in a huge thank you for an amazing workshop. The resort was fab, the sessions were hard work but worth every drop of sweat. I enjoyed every minute. Bravo!!!! Sondra D., Mississauga, ON I really think you have an edge on things, Lani…....
by Lani Muelrath | Nov 9, 2009 | All Posts
Honey, we’re home! The Muscles Mud and Merlot Fitness Retreat this year surpassed my wildest dreams…thanks to my spectacular guests! A quick camera download delivers the following photos – more to follow (including video!) as we pool our resources....
by Lani Muelrath | Sep 11, 2009 | All Posts, Mindfulness, Mindset, & Motivation
During the spring of 2001, I had planned and prepared for a Fitness Retreat to be held in Rye, NY – right across the Sound from the New York City. The retreat was scheduled to take place late October that same year. Which then turned out to be about 5 weeks post...
by Lani Muelrath | Jul 13, 2009 | All Posts, Mindfulness, Mindset, & Motivation
Pssst….This exclusive event is already 25% full with registration going up just hours ago. (Yes, space is limited for more personal attention). That means when you read this, we’re booking up and it’s time to take action! Muscles? Yes, workouts...