by Lani Muelrath | Feb 9, 2015 | Move Your Body
Nancy gets stars all over the chart for what she has done this year to take charge of her health, fitness, and body shape. Actually, last year too, when she made major headway in a 40 lb weight loss and made a solid shift into a whole-foods, plant-based diet. One of...
by Lani Muelrath | Oct 19, 2011 | Move Your Body
I know you count on me to get important, relevant and real (as in hype-free) fitness news into your hands. So when one of my professional journals arrived today with a full report on exercise guidelines from the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM, the gold...
by Lani Muelrath | Sep 9, 2011 | All Posts, All Setup, Move Your Body
This question from Susan posed such a juicy opportunity to help you step up the results from your body shaping workouts that it’s worth a laser focus. Often we are looking for something else: A new way to workout, or the workout magic – that we don’t...
by Lani Muelrath | Jan 18, 2010 | All Posts, Move Your Body
When it comes to resistance training, is “super slow” an effective way to build muscle? A popular movement within the weight training world today is “super slow” style weight training. The idea is that by slowing the kinetics of weight training...
by Lani Muelrath | Aug 28, 2009 | All Posts, Move Your Body
Not to rain on anyone’s muscle parade, but this myth has been perpetuated one too many times. This is the problem with the proliferation of fitness information on the web. Something is said somewhere – no matter how substantiated or not – and then...
by Lani Muelrath | Jun 13, 2009 | All Posts, Move Your Body, Weight Loss
With 3 weeks out of the last 7 being on travel adventure of one form or another, my usual fitness routine has been a mix of eclectic alternatives. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining. Central to my fitness dream is to have an exercise and eating...
by Lani Muelrath | Apr 5, 2009 | All Posts, Move Your Body, Video
A beautiful, strong torso with elegant posture and protection from back pain, all while enhancing your metabolic rate and a big return on your exercise time investment? Yes, it’s possible with this outstanding exercise in your fitness arsenal. But before we go...
by Lani Muelrath | Jan 16, 2009 | All Posts, Move Your Body
This question came across my desk this week: “What counts as resistance training? Does it need to involve weights to get the best results?” And frankly, it is quite a common question, which inspires me to address it once again, right here. If you are...
by Lani Muelrath | Dec 22, 2008 | Move Your Body
Supersets for SuperShaping Let’s face it, I love feeling fit and strong! There’s nothing like lithe strength (yes these two can go together!) to make you energetic and shapely at the same time. And the feeling of empowerment that comes with physical...