by Lani Muelrath | Mar 5, 2012 | All Posts, All Setup, Mindfulness, Mindset, & Motivation
Has this ever happened to you? You get all ramped up to get started on your health and weight loss plan. You’ve got your whole-foods, low-fat plant-based diet plan organized and ready. You’ve stocked your kitchen and in your enthusiasm and resolve, even...
by Lani Muelrath | Dec 29, 2010 | Mindfulness, Mindset, & Motivation
[fb-like] [divider] [/divider] Plans, projects and inspirations for the new year ahead have already been spiraling through my consciousness for several weeks. You? I’ve decided to crack open my brain and spill some bits and pieces just for you. My...
by Lani Muelrath | Nov 16, 2010 | Weight Loss
Do you want the bad news or the good news first? The bad news is that we do have genetic tendencies for weight gain. Some women gain weight more easily than others. But I didn’t have to tell you that. It’s in your genes, right? You just got the dreaded...