Support in Turbulent Times
Recent global developments have driven it home hard and fast: everything changes and our sense of the way things are and expectations about the day ahead are unreliable. As my friend Ari says, our current situation could be called amplified impermanence.
I have been trying to think of how I could best be of assistance to you. How I could offer something to help ease your way and help build a sense of strength and stability. It occurred to me that now would be a good time to get the audio tracks that I recorded as companion to The Mindful Vegan into more hands. These are the audios that are described in The Mindful Vegan. In the Resources section of the book, readers are directed to where they can download these audios at no charge.
If you already have a copy of The Mindful Vegan you know about the guided meditation audios, but if you don’t, let me describe them.
Now, I want to make them even easier to obtain for everyone, even if you don’t have a copy of The Mindful Vegan.
Thirty Audio Tracks
To support your mindfulness meditation practice, I have personally recorded thirty audios as companion to each day of practice with The Mindful Vegan: A Thirty Day Plan For Finding Health, Balance, Peace, and Happiness.
On this page you will find the links to all thirty of these audios. Simply click on the link to each day, and the audio track will open up in a new window. You can listen to the track there, or use the down arrow to the right of the track to download and save on your device or computer.
One Additional Minute Each Day
Each audio download is the same length of time as the practice time designated for each day.
Thus, the audio download for Day One is one minute in length, Day Two is two minutes, and so on. The first few days, I provide guided instructions for the entire length of the audio. As the days progress, though each day’s audio will open with guidance, there will be increasing segments of silence so that you can continue practice uninterrupted until the end of the recording is signaled by a chime.
On some of the audios I will include short instructions incorporating the day’s lesson, noted in the title of that particular day’s audio guide. Days 25 – 30 contain the same instruction, with increased time in silence until the chime.
If you prefer to do meditation practice without the audio support, you can set a timer on your phone or timepiece to signal the finish. If you would like to practice longer or shorter than provided for any day, yet still take advantage of the guided practice, you can begin the day’s practice with the provided audio and then set a timer for the amount of time you intend to practice.
Audios also on Insight Timer
As stated in The Mindful Vegan book, several of these audio tracks are also available on Insight Timer app. ( The app can be downloaded on smart phone or tablet. To find The Mindful Vegan tracks, simply click on “teachers”, type in my name, and all of the tracks currently uploaded will appear. Days 1 – 7 have all been submitted, though they are not all available on Insight Timer quite yet as the process at Insight Timer is to slowly release submissions. The original plan is to only have a few tracks available on IT – I will be interested in hearing from you if you have a strong preference for using the app or for using the tracks via the links I provide in this message.
I hope you enjoy these audios, I made them with love, care and enthusiasm to help you get started on this practice – and finding out what mindfulness meditation practice holds for you! Links to all thirty audios follow my signature below. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.
May all be healthy, happy, and safe –
Audio Support Tracks for The Mindful Vegan: A 30-Day Plan for Finding Health, Balance, Peace, and Happiness.
- Click on the “Day XX” and the audio play will open up in a window
- To save to your device, select “download” or “save audio as” from the drop down menu at the three dots found at the right side of the audio play bar
Day One (1 minute): Position
Day Two (2 minutes): Anchor
Day Three (3 minutes): Intention and Remindfulness
Day Four (4 minutes): Meditation on Sensations of the Breath
Day Five (5 minutes): Meditation on Sensations of the Breath
Day Six (6 minutes): Meditation on Sensations of the Breath
Day Seven (7 minutes): Meditation on Sensations of the Breath
Day Eight (8 minutes): Introduction to Meditation on Bodily Sensations
Day Nine (9 minutes): Body Survey I
Day Ten (10 minutes): Body Survey II
Day Eleven (11 minutes): Body Survey; Hindrances and Helping Factors
Day Twelve (12 minutes): Meditation on Breath and Bodily Sensations
Day Thirteen (13 minutes): Meditation on Breath and Bodily Sensations
Day Fourteen (14 minutes): Meditation on Breath and Bodily Sensations
Day Fifteen (15 minutes): Meditation on Emotions
Day Sixteen (16 minutes): Meditation on Breath, Bodily Sensations, and Emotions
Day Seventeen (17 minutes): Meditation on Breath, Bodily Sensations, and Emotions
Day Eighteen (18 minutes): Meditation on Breath, Bodily Sensations, and Emotions
Day Nineteen (19 minutes): Meditation on Breath, Bodily Sensations, and Emotions
Day Twenty (20 minutes): Loving Kindness Meditation
Day Twenty-one (21 minutes): Meditation on Breath and Bodily Sensations
Day Twenty-two (22 minutes): Meditation on Breath and Bodily Sensations
Day Twenty-three (23 minutes): Meditation on Breath and Bodily Sensations
Day Twenty-four (24 minutes): Mindful Eating
Day Twenty-five (25 minutes): Meditation on Breath and Bodily Sensations
Day Twenty-six (26 minutes): Meditation on Breath and Bodily Sensations
Day Twenty-seven (27 minutes): Meditation on Breath and Bodily Sensations
Day Twenty-eight (18 minutes): Meditation on Breath and Bodily Sensations
Day Twenty-nine (29 minutes): Meditation on Breath and Bodily Sensations
Day Thirty (30 minutes): Mindfulness Meditation

wonderful practices