Lani, Just wanted to send in a huge thank you for an amazing workshop. The resort was fab, the sessions were hard work but worth every drop of sweat. I enjoyed every minute. Bravo!!!! Sondra D., Mississauga, ON
I really think you have an edge on things, Lani…. I really appreciate how you have opened up my eyes about strength, and toning…and have helped me ‘hone into’ the best, time-saving, body-shaping ones to focus on. I was verrrry pleased with this retreat and loved everything! Really thanks! Angela C., IA
The short video clips above only hits the tip of the iceberg.
The pictures posted here barely hint at the richness of the experience at this year’s Muscles, Mud, and Merlot Fitness Retreat held November 5 – 9.
Between you and me? It surpassed my expectations. Because the women present made it so.
Well, the retreat was a huge success and I absolutely loved it! You have such a wonderful positive personality and I just loved the size of the group! I look forward to it again next year (hint, hint!!!!)
It was everything that I thought it would be.
Thank you, Lani, for making the Muscles Mud & Merlot weekend come true. It meant so much to all of us. ~ Carolynn D., Santa Barbara, CA
I wish you could have been there during our opening party Thursday night in my suite at Silverado Resort. We popped open the champagne, the pomegranite juice, and our presents.
But it was when we started telling our stories as we went around the circle that the real gifts were opened. Over 2 hours later, we decided we’d better get to our rooms to rest up for the morning workouts!
Bonding happens fast when you hear such amazing stories of health, weight loss, energy, and body transformation that have been experienced by so many of the women present. Not to mention when you sweat together, which every veteran fitness retreat goer knows.
We were shedding tears and the work hadn’t even begun yet. If you weren’t there, you missed a gem. Better come next time.
I know by looking my body is firmer, I feel stronger and my abs are FLATTER!!!!! My husband commented on how well I looked. I see definition in my legs. I think I have made tremendous progress. I sweated and felt muscles this weekend I haven’t felt in years. Thank you.
The workout tweaks while looking not that hard, were tremendously hard. I received 100 times over what I thought I would . The place was fantastic. I loved it all.
I loved the smallness of the retreat. I feel the amount of people still gave you time to tweak us all individually. I would like to come for a long time to see more to be exposed to more you have to offer.
Lani, you are a gem. I loved every minute of Muscles Mud and Merlot and can’t wait to be back next year!Rhonda Kontos, IN
Day 2: the MUSCLES and the MUD
Friday morning we were ready to go with over 2 hours of T-Tapp – and that was just with the Basic Workout Plus. (see video and listen for “inch…inch..!”) We wrapped the session with ultra-deep stretching and the signature Lani’s Dessert Guided Relaxation. Bellmen shuttled us to spa treatments or it was a quick trip toWhole Foods for food stash. Some even took in a winery lunch.
We arrived back in the Mondavi Room (all of our session venues were named after Napa Valley Wineries 😉 ) pampered and pedicured and ready to take on the next task: targeted body sculpting.
This is where everyone picked up new phrases with which to mock me later (see video, listen for “pulse and hold….pulse and hold”)…and no doubt a few others that emerge on the audio. I catch new ones each time through). Behave!
The Muscles Mud and Merlot Retreat was wonderful and the results were right on. I loved the size of our group, our first evening at your room getting acquainted and the individual attention you gave each one of us.
totally enjoyed our guest speaker Susan talking about EFT (and the sore spot I had in my back is still gone). The whole retreat was exactly what I needed and I wouldn’t change a thing. Thank you Lani for a FABulous time. ~ Sandie G., Seattle, WA
“YOU are the magic bullet!”
One of my favorite topics when it comes to body – or ANY – transformation was the opener at the Friday night program. Then an exciting and informative focus on the TOP ten muscles to target for body sculpting for women, punctuated with recent research on best exercises for targeting abs, and glutes, and hamstrings.
We were ready for this as our afternoon “Fitdream Fusion” sessions were all about abs and backyards, “butts and guts” or “bums and tums” or however you like to best describe that midsection from knee to ribs.
And by this time we were feeling the “awareness” from the afternoon session. Big time. Uh huh.
Hi Lani!
Thank you for an inspiring yet relaxing retreat. The exercise sessions were fun and your exercise instructions really helped me to “tweak” my form.
We had an exceptional group of women — all were fun to be around, and everyone was willing to help out. They made a well-planned event even more successful and memorable.
All of my expectations were met. I like the smaller format because it is easier to get to know other participants and, of course, during exercise, you are there to comment on form.
I also enjoyed the evening sessions, all were informative and educational. I highly recommend your retreat — and will attend again in the future.
Thank you again for organizing such a rewarding and beneficial event!
~ Lois Brown, Alberta, Canada
Day 3: Mix in the Merlot
Everyone impressed me with on-time arrival for morning T-Tapp Total Workout: Round 2!
Detailed instruction to maximize the workload each step of the way and we were READY for our outing to Luna Winery (see video), armed with almonds and chocolate to “cleanse the palette” or whatever other excuse we like to give for indulging ;-).

Here we are at dinner - note our "spa girl" names: (l to r) Carolynn "Dolphin", Janice, Lomi Lomi Lani, Angela "Firefly", Carol, Pamela Pedicure, Lois, Nirvana Neecy, Rhonda, Sandy Bunny Hop, Sondra, Victoria "Kiwi", Cheryl Chardonnay, and Carrie "Glow"; in absentia, Pampered Patsy

Susan Scheskie teaches us about EFT
Susan Scheskie, my favorite EFT (emotional freedom technique) technician graced us with a long, in depth training session.
Susan’s delivery is extraordinary and by the time we were 1/2 an hour in, one of us had relief from longtime back pain, another banished shoulder pain, another had her headache disappear…bam,bam, bam – it was one after another!Susan calls it “borrowing benefits”.
We lingered long afterwards, sharing, and of course enjoying the Rubicon Bakery chocolate cake that Janis had brought for us all to enjoy.
Day 4
Sunday morning dawned sunny and glorious.
We met for morning workout at 8:00 in the Vintner’s Court which not only overlooks the golf course at Silverado but gives a ringside seat to the sunrise over the mountains and through the ancient oaks to the East. It was our grand finale session. Hated to see it end.
Hi Lani,
The weekend was awesome! Thank you so much for the effort you put into making the event a success for all of us. Thank you for the gift basket. I loved the chocolate. Thank you again for everything! Patsy T., IA
P.S. Thanks to Sondra , Rhonda , Carolynn, Patsy, and Lois for your rapid reviews and kind words – some of us are still in transit on the way home! More from these marvelous women as their reviews come into my mailbox.
P.P.S. Remember, for more pictures click here

This looks like so much fun and from what I’ve read on the forums, too, it sounds like the workouts were incredible. I’ve got to come next time!
I’ve got to find out more about “inch…inch…” – intrigued! Thanks for posting the video and shapshots, Lani!
@Suzanne: yes Suzanne you must be there next time! We all left lighter, tighter, and lighter in spirit! Seemed to feed all parts of the body – and soul!
Oh, I wish I HAD been there with all of you at Mud and Merlot blast-off, but long-term plans got in the way. You are an inspiration to me, Lani.
I am so intrigued by your intermittent fasting. Did you share any more secrets with the gals at the Retreat on IF? I hope you blog about IF again and again. From my reading, the SIRT genes can repair all sorts of diseases from intermittent fasting. Go Girl!
@Karen: hey Karen, we missed you, next time hopefully you’ll be there! Are you doing the IF a la Eat Stop Eat? Yes, there are other reasons emerging that support the intermittent mini as a good health practice – the intermittent and mini being operative, in my book! I did have some conversations in sessions with women about IF at retreat. You must share your experiences!