Creating a happy, healthy and fit body gives you the ultimate best vehicle for expressing your mission and purpose. For bringing your unique gifts forth. ~ Lani
To be honest, I’ve been in a 3-day stall, putting together this week’s FitDream Ezine.
It’s not that I don’t have oodles of info and tons of inspiration for you. It’s just that personally, I’ve been going through quite the introspect these last couple of weeks and have struggled with how best to share that with you, my kind and loyal readers.
And knowing this is such a busy week with little time for you to read newsletters…well, perhaps you can see why I was stuck.
Perhaps this is true for you as well:
This has been a year of enormous morph and change for me. You’ve seen my business grow and change, and each one of those bits of change is a reflection of my moving outside my comfort zone into a new level of service and authenticity. And growth and change in business for an entrepreneur is, I have found, the ultimate self-growth process as well. It turns you sideways more often than you expected. Thus the inspiration for the photo, top.
This is my vision for my work:
- To bring as high a match of what I can bring to the table to meet your needs in health, fitness, body shaping, and happiness, and
- To serve in authenticity and true integrity of purpose.
By now, you know that I stand for taking the hype out of fitness while bringing you the best about body shaping, fitness, nutrition, energy and fat loss that make the best use of your time. This theme will continue into the new year because, frankly, I can’t have it any other way as I aspire to – authenticity and integrity.
Between you and me, here’s the bottom line: Your vitality, confidence, and productivity are inextricably connected with your health and fitness.
Fundamental to my fitness philosophy is that creating a happy, healthy and fit body gives you the ultimate best vehicle for expressing your mission and purpose. For bringing your unique gifts forth. This requires that you challenge yourself to move outside of your comfort zone.
Move outside your comfort zone in the year to come
In my coaching practice, I am constantly encouraging women to move outside their comfort zone to reach new heights of fitness, happiness, and success.
As a matter of fact, I have often been heard to say (just ask the members in my coaching programs) that’s how you know you’re doing something right if you are seeking change – you are going to experience some discomfort.
To not experience these growing pains would be to just stay where you are.
Which is fine. Unless you are looking for some different results.
I take my own advice to heart. This year I have personally enrolled in several coaching programs, Mastermind groups, and other projects to grow not only my business but to grow and change personally, as well.
And I’ve challenged myself to reach new levels of fitness and well-being. I’m leaner than last year, which is pretty cool since we’re supposedly destined to get fatter as we get older. Not so. More about that later.
Thus, my subject line: Fitness past, present, and future. Here is my invitation to you:
- Take a look at where you’ve been, where you are, and where you want to go with your fitness and body shaping.
- Realize if you want something to shift, there is going to be discomfort and surprise. And liberation
- Decide if you want that change or not.
What is YOUR message and mission?
I’ll leave you with these 5 questions:
- What is most important to you?
- What is your ideal?
- How do you want to look, feel, contribute?
- What is YOUR message and mission?
- How will having a fit body make a difference?
Knowing these questions are juicy for reflection, of course I’d love to hear your thoughts in “Leave a Reply” below.
All the best for an excellent finish to the holiday season and with bright eyes to the new year,

Lani, thank you for this heartfelt message. Sharing your personal journey in the way that you do is something that I really enjoy and it always inspires me.
You ask, “what’s important to me” and it really hit me in a new way. Of course! Got to think about that. And it’s true that when I feel better in my body, I feel better in my life and work. Good stuff.
Thank you!
Excellent – purpose served! My intention with this post is to share, provoke thought, and inspire. Thank you so much for taking the time to let me know it did just that.
Blessings in the new year ahead!