Solid, simple tactics with real food and movement of your body – and your mind – to put you in the health & weight winner’s circle come January. Part 2 of 10.
Food & fitness survival guide #2: Stay well fed. Eating keeps you thin
Thinking back to 19mumblemumble with another of my hair-brained schemes to drop some pounds by minimizing breakfast, running 7 – 8 miles, and hoping for the best that I could hold out for a low calorie count by day’s end. Want to know how many times I fell face-first into a pan of brownies by late morning? And that was only if it made it past the batter stage.

Letting yourself get overhungry messes with your hunger and satiety hormones, making junk food all that more compelling. Feeding yourself well from early in the day isn’t only good prevention, it’s health and sanity survival
How eating can keep you thin
- If you are hungry through the course of the day, it’s harder and harder to resist high fat, high sugar foods that are best designed to help your body manufacture and store body fat.
- Remember that not eating enough and on time – that means to satiety on high quality, high fiber, low fat whole foods – can generate what I call ‘stored hunger’. This can cause your hormonal profile – to go into unproductive overdrive. Study 3 secrets to mastering leptin & ghrelin on a weight loss diet: Are your hormones hijacking your willpower? to get the full skinny on this one.
- Let yourself eat well from early in the day. As soon as you are ready for breakfast in the morning, eat it. Make it substantial, with lots of fiber. See The ‘gusto brekkie’ breakfast for more ideas. Delaying eating and not eating enough early in the day are 2 huge eating mistakes women make when trying to lose weight. And it’s even more dangerous during the holidays when potential dietary mine fields lie in wait all over the flippin’ place. Stay well fed on good foods and you will have that temptation problem licked.
Work it baby.
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Omigod do you have me going with that brownie story, Lani. Straight to me! I don’t know if you know it, but when you tell stories like that it always amazes me – I can soooo relate!
I’m loving your Tips series and am counting on it every day for an inspiration. Good idea on offering the subscribe to blog posts, too!
Thanks so much!
Hey Shelli, thanks for leaving your comments, it is good to hear about the connect. And it’s good to know we are not alone – it can be so isolating – and to know also that there ARE solutions and tactics to easily build success.
Glad you subscribed! Easy peasy.