I never thought I’d say this, but when I’ve become a fan of MLB.
That’s Major League Baseball, for those not in the know, which would have been me one short month ago.

Now, I grew up a San Francisco Giant’s fan, frequenting Candlestick Park to cheer on the magic of Willie Mays, Willie McCovey, and all the other golden greats.
I even played softball in junior high, threw a few mean pitches myself and bore the badge of slide-ins with perpetual cuts and scratches on my knees and palms.
But as a “grown up”, when asked what team I was rooting for, I’d often have to counter with “to which sport do you refer?” Fortunately for me, Greg has not been a big sports fan either, so no Monday-night widow me.
And fortunately as well, we’ve both been bit with the baseball bug by his dad at the same time.
As many of you know, sadly, last week Pop, mightily pushing 98, passed away peacefully after a short illness. He’s been the family role model, never complaining about the aches, pains, discomforts, and indignities of an aging body. Heck, he has even had a beautiful girlfriend 3 years his younger these past several years. Who could be so lucky? But with his charming disposition, is it any wonder?
Of course I’m certain that one of the reasons Pop was in such good shape well into ten decades was that he had a regular workout schedule for most of that time. For years, when visiting them, he and I would together scramble over to the gym near their home in San Rafael to pump some iron, run some treadmill, and stretch.
So, it is to him that this my most recent issue of of FitDream Ezine is dedicated. And with, as you can imagine, multiple family commitments over the coming week, and time being of the essence, this issue’s Feature Article is a fitting archive goldie: “Six Fitness Success Strategies to Start NOW”, in honor of a powerful fitness role model, my father-in-law.
Take me out to the ballgame!
