Have you ever had something you knew to be important simmering for a long time on the back burner?That’s what Boot Camp Mind was like for me. I kept adding to it, tweaking it – for 3 years – and finally a few weeks ago my ‘it’s time to get it OUT there” voice came through and I did just that. Put it out there.
I’m glad I didn’t wait another day. Hearing feedback from those who are taking the course has been very humbling and thrilling at the same time. Thanks to Tyler for giving me permission to share these notes:
I wanted to give you some more detailed feedback on my experience with Boot Camp Mind.
First, I think it is very inexpensive, given what I have learned already in lesson #1! Thanks for that.
Second, I really liked that you got right to the point. The two direct questions really got right to the heart of the matter for me. As soon as I read them, I identified fears that were holding me back from losing weight – from making changes in how I eat/overeat. It was so clear.
Then I shared my answers with my wife. We talked for hours about these two questions – and how making these changes would affect our relationship. We both shared our individual positive and negative (fears) thoughts and feelings about me losing weight. Not only did this conversation change me – and us – but it deepened our relationship significantly. Wow. I wrote in my journal, “Now losing weight is about desire to lose weight, not fear!”
Then we progressed to the failure/success part of the lesson. Our minds were already changing!This was huge for me. I couldn’t identify a single success in my entire life – and I’m 55 years old. I seriously had looked at my life after my heart attack 2.5 years ago and pronounced the entire thing one failure after another. I had prepared myself to accept this about my life. I was depressed about it before doing this lesson.
My wife stepped in and proceeded to give me a list of 16 events in my life which she considered successes – and that I eventually agreed with – after she told me to just focus on the part of the event that was the success, and not proceed on to the part that led to eventual failure…this was mind-blowing for me. She did this with all 16 events! It was amazing. The lesson I learned here was: “Failing after a success doesn’t negate the success!” This has changed my view of my life! Wow!
Then we went on to talk (we talked about this lesson all week!) about what success felt like for me and what I did to achieve success. I did make a plan, worked toward it and had an attitude of devotion toward the vision of the goal. I really like how you said that! The qualities that I had were willingness to do whatever it takes, problem solving, organization & planning, and attention to detail and the big picture!
I wanted to share this with you so that you would know what a profound effect your first lesson had on me.
My wife and I want to thank you for sharing your experience with us and for giving us this opportunity to learn, change and deepen our connection both to each other and to Source.
Thanks again.
Looking forward to the next lesson!Blessings,
My deepest gratitude to you, Tyler, for opening up and sharing your journey and process with Boot Camp Mind.

My favorite quotes from Tyler: “Now losing weight is about desire to lose weight, not fear!” and “Failing after a success doesn’t negate the success!” I completely agree, especially with the later, I think when we’re trying to make healthy choices and then we “slip up” (ie. eat some “forbidden” food or eat too much) we just say, it’s over and forget about the dozens of good choices we’ve been making and just focus on that one thing, which can really distort our perception. Thanks for sharing Lani & Tyler!
Janae, those jump out at me, too. Getting clarity on some of these issues that have seemed stuck in the cement is so dang liberating. Thanks for stopping in to share your thoughts.
wow , how inspirating that story was and tyler has hit on some home truths, i am sure for us all, well donet to him to, and i must try and see and read up on the boot camp mind, i have no doubt it will be an awesome read if Lani is envolved, well done to you both, cheers from aussie land , Anna
Tyler, as I read through your post, I was reminded of what our doctor said yesterday, our health needs to be looked at like a marathon, NOT a sprint ~ you said, I did make a plan, worked toward it and had an attitude of devotion toward the vision of the goal. And that is SO TRUE~ it is a goal towards which we work, and that GOAL is optimum health for the long run. KUDOS to you!!