Denise and I can share a table any ol’ day of the week and be happy as clams eating our fill.
Without gaining weight. Losing it, in fact.
That’s because Denise and I both enjoy what I call the “Comfort Food Diet”.
Yup. A way of eating that allows you to eat to your hearts content on all the healthful foods that we also find most comforting.
See, there’s a reason we crave those carbs.
They are ultra excellent fuel for health, energy – and as it turns out – maximizing our weight loss and weight control.
But let me stop talking long enough for Denise to speak.
Hi All,
This is a bit of a long post, but I thought I’d lay out what I’ve been doing since January to lose weight.
Let me say at the very beginning that I have quite a bit of weight to lose. I’ve found that when I closely follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Plan (MWL) and exercised regularly I can lose about three pounds per week.
From what I’ve read from others who have done MWL, as they get closer to a trim body weight (10-20 pounds to goal), it comes off more slowly.
This way of eating is not a diet, so in actuality it’s not about the numbers on the scale but how I feel.
The numbers are a good gauge of how I’m doing, but I try to remember that I eat this way for health reasons for the long term, not because I am dieting.
The wonderful thing about McD is that I never have to go hungry and I get to eat wonderful and delicious comfort food – I’m all about comfort food and I get to eat it all day long!
If you read Lani’s original post in this thread, it basically outlines everything you need to know about MWL.
My daily diet:
My breakfasts are usually hash brown potatoes with hot pepper sauce and ketchup (I dry fry frozen hash browns in a non-stick pan with nothing but just the potatoes) and fruit or tomato or romaine lettuce. Sometimes I’ll have oatmeal, but I don’t like hot cereals that much. I love hash browns, they make me feel like I’m eating out at a diner every morning. It seems silly, but it gives me a thrill.I go through a lot of potato because I never skimp on starches. I’ve learned it is very, very important that I not go hungry. If I do, I set myself up to want chocolate or something with high sugar and fat content. Mid-morning snack is fruit or maybe carrot sticks or other raw veggie.
Lunch usually occurs around 11 am. I try to have a big salad with romaine lettuce before my starches at lunch. Starches can be beans, couscous, quinoa, brown rice, etc. with veggies.
I love soups, they are a great way to get the starch and veggies and the water content also helps enhance weightloss. I like to have kale at least 3-4 times per week, usually in a soup or a stir fry.
Afternoon snack is carrot or celery sticks or left overs from lunch.
Dinner is also veggies and a starch like sweet potatoes, yams, squash, something different from lunch. I do not cook with oil but will use white wine to cook up onions and garlic for more flavor. I have pasta for dinner sometimes. I usually have fruit in the afternoon and often after dinner. MWL suggests only two fruits a day and no processed grains (like pasta). However, my body doesn’t seem to have a problem dropping weight as long as I’m not eating processed grains every day. Once or twice a week is fine. And fruit is something I love to snack on, I try to keep the servings around three per day, sometimes I get up to four.
I drink water when I’m thirsty, but don’t worry about it too much because there is plenty of water in the foods I eat with this diet. I kicked the coffee habit because it made me want sugary food items, I drink primarily herbal teas these days.
FitDream Fusion
I’ve found FitDream Fusion Membership to be a big help as I continue to move forward with my eating and fitness objectives. Lani provides great information and enthusiastic leadership and the group of women on FitDream Fusion are warm, caring, and encouraging.
I visit the forum a couple of times each day because it provides something I very much need: a community of individuals each working on reaching her health and fitness goals, and willing to support one another. I needed a forum where the focus is not simply on being strict with a food plan or with exercise, I can be a perfectionist all on my own.
What I need is a space that allows me to explore what healthy eating and fitness looks like for me, a facilitator that is there to help me reach my goals, and a community that cheers me on as I walk my very own path. I am grateful for FitDream Fusion and to Lani for bringing this community together! ~ Denise Lofman
Denise is a shining splash of hope and inspiration to those around her who want what she is after: fitness freedom, fulfillment of her body ideal, and a full and happy belly. She inspires not only by her successful diet and exercise plans, but also by her act of seeking community, expertise, and support that are accelerating her journey to where she wants to go. Thank you Denise, for being so open about sharing your journey.
Make no mistake – Denise is destined for the FitDream Fusion Hall of Fame. In my book, she’s already there.
Click here to read more about Denise’ dietary guidelines and the McDougall MWL Plan
Creating the right weight loss and body shaping plan for you isn’t difficult, but it must be at the top of your to-do list. Once you have this mastered, your fitness is going to take off, which I know you’re going to love!

Congratulations on your success in finding what works for you. I’m sure you’ll be an inspiration to many!
Way to go Denise! This level of detail is very helpful. Thank you so much for sharing.
Denise, Your story is very inspirational and motivating. Thank you for such a detailed report. Good luck on your continued fitness journey and thank you for helping me on mine!
You are an inspiration, Denise. Your insight is tremendous, and I thank you for candidly sharing your experience with us. I look forward to continuing to learn from one another on the Fusion Forum.