It seems that this phrase has been on my tongue, in my voice, and in my ears – in one shape or form – a lot over the past month.
I underscored the idea with the article “It’s The Calories, Honey!”
It seems to be one of the biggest hurdles for many women. The search for the magic exercise regime that will eliminate the need to make any changes in diet to achieve their weight loss, fat loss, or fitness goals.
Now, don’t get me wrong – you will make a big difference in your body composition and shape with exercise.
But it’s darn hard to “burn off” calories to get the weight off. Heck, you have to walk for 10 minutes to “wear off” (unofficial language for consume the caloric load of) an apple!
And believe me, I used to try. Somehow those five-mile runs could never quite offset the bowl of cookie dough 🙄
Don’t get me started.
So, when a short video was produced this week, I knew I had to share it with you – because it is right on the “out train a bad diet” topic – and sends the message in a charming and humorous format.
My friends Brad Pilon (Eat Stop Eat) and Craig Ballantyne (Turbulence Training) got wild, woolly and carried away with this fun bit.
Watch while during this 2 minute segment, Brad consumes 1,000 calories of pizza and root beer while Craig, running at an 11-mile-per-hour pace, “runs off” under 50 calories!
Now, of course we know it takes less time to eat than exercise – but this little snippet makes a graphic comparison that drives the point home.
I’ll let the video speak for itself!
P.S. A little background on Craig’s comment “what a joke cardio is…!” We all know that cardiovascular training can benefit the circulatory system and has multiple other benefits, but that’s not the point here. The frame of reference, as you’ll see within the video, is the futility of trying to “outrun” your caloric load with “cardio”!
For moew on cardio, see Confused about cardio? My conversation with Dr. Kenneth Cooper.
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So true! I wish my clients understood that even though ‘technically’ 3500 calories equals a pound, burning 3500 calories on the treadmill doesn’t necessarily transfer over to a pound lost. I wish we could all eat whatever we wanted all day and just make it up with extra exercise, but it just doesn’t work like that. 🙂
Hey Shauna,
It does seem to be one of the last “wishes” to bite the dust – and one that easily resurfaces!
Thanks for coming by!
Oh wow. This hits home. I had a client recently get very upset because she lost a pound and gained a pound in the few weeks we’ve been training. Never mind that we only met once or twice a week and that she didn’t do a think in between our meetings…I just don’t want to even go there frustrating. But she honestly thought she could burn it all off (30+ lbs) just by training with me. Love the video clip. Thanks for sharing.
Huh?? Ya mean I can’t just hire some trainer and just work out with them only – I won’t lose?????? hehehehe sorry, I’m one of those who honestly thought I just needed to concentrate on my exercise rather than body/mind/and more!!! Lani’s article and these comments really hit home with me….the client from h&^*. (I never really thought just being with a trainer would do it, but I did honestly think I just had to do more in exercise, or find the right one for me).
Love the “outrun” imagery!!
Actually Paym, YOU are a client from heaven because you aren’t afraid to take a look.
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