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Plans, projects and inspirations for the new year ahead have already been spiraling through my consciousness for several weeks. You?
I’ve decided to crack open my brain and spill some bits and pieces just for you. My ‘crystal ball’ for the year ahead.
Rather than resolutions for a new year, why not create some specific plans upon which you can take action?
I know, scary stuff. It is for me too. What if I don’t do what I say? What if I can’t pull it off? What will people think?
Well, hogwash and brouhaha. This is all just whitewash for fears. Fears of failure. Fears of success. Fear that procrastination will pull ahead of the game.
Feel the fear and do it anyway
At one of our favorite scuba shops, there’s a sign posted that says “feel the fear and do it anyway”.
Now, I don’t think that’s always good advice when it comes to scuba. Yet when it comes to moving ahead and making change, stepping into new levels of challenge in your professional and personal life, you’ve got to feel the fear and do it anyway.
So I’ve gone out on a limb and shown you a list of my plans and projects for early 2011.
Is this tough for me to do? You bet. (” What if I can’t pull it off? What if….???”)
Taking a risk by stating intention helps you clarify. It’s a way of voting for yourself.
Then we realize how much it all really is up to us. No wonder we get a little scared.
But right on the other side of that fear is brilliant inspiration. Put your intention out there, take action, and you move things powerfully ahead, I say! If you are hesitant to do this yourself, perhaps this will inspire you. You can always change your mind, you know. I’ll be a fool for you.
Here’s a scaffold I’ve started for benchmark projects, new coaching programs, service projects and opportunities for the months ahead. I’ll just flesh it in as I go along. It’s all with the intention of bringing you opportunities for feeling and looking like a million, loving your body and living your life in extraordinary fashion with a healthy, energetic body in the new year.
- complete my Fit Quickie Cookbook and Body Transformation Food Plan and Action Guide so you can get them in your hands
- finish the videography course I’m taking (I told you, I seek coaching all the time to improve myself, too)
- launch my spring semester college classes
- in the year ahead – shoot lots of new video content for you (keep telling me what you want, OK?)
- lift-off for the new year of FitDream Fusion Inner Circle Calls with a mindset theme: “What’s Holding You Back? A Message from your Inner Bottle” (You can expect lots more about mindset from me this year – always a theme and now more than ever)
- Fitness Expert Coach gig with Celebrity Tips for the 21-Day Kickstart with PCRM, Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine
- Love Your Body Booty Camp! – last February my Booty Camps exploded on the scene and I’ve been throwing them every couple of months since. Amazing consistent results in energy and vitality up, weight down, inches cinched. You in? This one will be bigger and better than ever. Click here for some of the >>> Testimonials.
- off to Mexico for climbing pyramids and cavorting on the beach while consuming massive quantities of tomatoes and avocado. Don’t worry, I’ll take you along. Expect some video from south of the border.
- Advanced Nutrition Study weekend IF I get back from Mex in time!
- Blogger’s Summit 2011
March – April
- CHIP: Coronary Health Improvement Program. I started presenting at this last year and had a blast.
- Meals for Health Program April 1 w/Rip Esselstyn, Jeff Novick, John McDougall, Earthsave, and more
- launch my new Mindset Breakthrough Secrets group coaching program (I told you it would be a theme!)
- meet up with sisters for semi-annual spa girl getaway
- Body Transformation Booty Camp…not too early to get ready for summer.
- squeeze in a trip to Yosemite if it’s thawed out. There is so much snow pack already that the waterfalls will be amazing. And I am, after all, your outdoor girl. Must live up to image. Half Dome won’t be open yet though, just as well, I scared the beejeebers out of myself when I pulled myself to the top last fall.
- off to hike the hill towns of Italy and do some trekking in Switzerland
Whew! OK, I didn’t mention EVERY thing. Some Teleseminars, back burner projects and Joint Ventures along the way. But I wanted to give you a sneak peek in case there are a couple of things that catch your eye, to keep in mind for your calendar.
Talk to me!
I’d love to hear from you about what YOU would like to see more of from me in the new year. What are the biggest challenges for you as we move into 2011? Is it:
- diet? eating, food?
- workouts?
- organizing to make it all happen?
- some extra pounds to get rid of?
- energy?
- body image?
- flexibility?
- stress protection?
- staying and track and organizing so it all happens?
- fitness mojo?
- get out of your old head and into a new one?
- ?
- ?
- ?
I’m all over all of it, so name your heart’s desire. Write to me or tell me about it in Leave A Reply.
With all best wishes for a brilliant new year!

Thank you for such an excellent article, thought provoking as always. You inspire me to face some of those fears. I love the way you put it as specific plans instead of resolutions.
I was in one of your Booty Camps last year and am excited to see there’s another so soon in the schedule. It made an incredible difference for me. Plus it was so much fun!
Gail, your comments are deeply appreciated and thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. I look forward to hearing about your ‘plans’ instead of ‘resolutions’! Happy new year and so glad you’ll be in Booty Camp!
Hey Lani! Well, since you asked…I’d like more videos on tips for easy food plans (love that your cookbook is coming out!), exercise for trouble spots (ahem, inner thigh, arms), and how you seem to be able to get better shaped each year. How do you DO that?
Love the article. Thnx!
Janet, ah, the inner thighs and arms! You are not alone! Thanks for articulating it!
And thanks for your kind comments, yes I DO seem to be better shaped each year and am leaner than last year and can’t wait to give you all the details in 2011 – I’ve got it down to a formula, thus the Body Transformation Formula as mentioned! It’s all very exciting!
Gosh, this is great! My biggest stumbling blocks:
— having (or NOT having) enough time for exercise and eating right (cooking healthy food)
— motivation for workouts
— staying on track
I did great for most of 2010, but the last 2-3 months have seen me drift farther and farther away from my healthy routines. Less exercise, more unhealthy foods, less time in the kitchen cooking good foods. It’s just a mess!
Molly, you got me laughing this morning, not at your plight, but at your obvious sense of humor – and THAT is my #1 rule of fitness: NEVER lose your sense of humor!
Thanks for such a precise list. This really helps me target materials to give you what you need – and your concerns are not unique! You just did a great job of expressing them!
It’s amazing how we can drift off the track, things get gray and fuzzy, and we find ourselves wondering what happened. Here’s the thing. The track is still there. We just need a redirect, a good workout, and a few days under our belt. Then implement the strategies for success. And there is a formula for it.
Thanks again for your assist!
Thanks for the inspiring list. I’d only half-heartedly written down my goals for 2011. Now I’m really going to focus. “Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway” is such a great piece of advice and a solid mantra. I’ve been using it for years, ever since I read the book by Susan Jeffers. No onwards to ’11!
Hey Karrie,
You’ve made my morning! If you’re inspired to focus, excellent and thanks for telling me!
Susan Jeffers I don’t know – what is the book? And I wonder how far back “feel the fear…” goes? I know I’ve seen it before, but it’s forever wedded to the dive shop in my head.
Can’t wait to hear more about your goals!