Solid, simple tactics with real food and movement of your body – and your mind – to put you in the health & weight winner’s circle come January.
Just joining us? To catch up with the holiday food & fitness survival guide:
Part 1: “Be choosy”
Part 2: “How eating keeps you thin, aka stay well fed
Part 3: “Eat BEFORE you arrive“
Part 4: ‘What you have is what you’ll eat”
Part 5: “How to handle food pushers: Holiday food & fitness survival guide”
Part 6: Eat a high fiber, slow-burn breakfast: Holiday food & fitness survival tip # 6/10
Part 7: Follow the 50/50 rule for vegetables and fruits: Holiday food & fitness survival tip # 7/10
Part 8: 4 reasons to exercise with vigor every day: Holiday food & survival tip # 8/10
Part 9: Reach beyond the cookie tray: Holiday Food & Fitness Survival Guide #9/10
Part 10 of 10: “Don’t throw in the towel”
Say you fall short, you trip up. Something happens: You weren’t prepared enough with good food, you ate the ‘wrong’ thing…
Don’t throw in the towel.
The next day, the next hour, the next minute is a chance for a new beginning.
You are in charge.
You are in control.
You can take advantage of being the best that you can be at any moment in time.
Remember, it’s just a mindset shift to get you back on track.
The best way to get back on track
If you’ve had a fall off the wagon and you aren’t staying up with your fitness or food plan throughout the holidays is to do some vigorous exercise. Because as I said earlier (holiday survival tip #8 exercise with vigor every day) , it gets you back in your body, it gets you strong, it gets you confidant. It helps you to make better food choices.
So there you have it. Ten tips for your survival during the holidays.
- stay connected with support.
- get your fridge full of good foods.
- get your exercise in, and
- watch that mindset
What ideas, tips and tricks do YOU have about holiday survival that you’d like to add to the list? Share in comments below.
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Lani, you have hit the nail right on the head with this one! I want to emphasize that “the next minute is a chance for a new beginning.” I urge everyone, if they skip up or slip up, to not wait till tomorrow to get right back on track! It’s the very next minute, the next step, the next bite, that will put you firmly back on the path to great health and a great body!
I have talked with too many people who have said, “Well, I had those two brownies at the staff table at work–I might as well order the pizza for dinner.” And on goes the evening, with dessert ordered too! Instead, just go about your daily life as if you had never eaten those two brownies! Go ahead and eat your delicious and colorful bean and veggie salad, and your brown rice and tomato stew!
Thank you!
Cloudy, thanks for reinforcing the chance to start anew with each minute. The ‘all or nothing’ mentality sinks many ships and piles on many more unnecessary pounds. I’m sure your post has helped more than one person today.