This week I had the honor and privilege of being guest on Our Hen House podcast. This extraordinary, internationally renowned podcast hosted by Jasmin Singer and Mariann Sullivan.
Click here to jump right to the full podcast on Our Hen House, which opens with broadcast commentary by Mariann and then leads into our conversation about all things mindfulness practice and The Mindful Vegan.
If you aren’t already following the Our Hen House Podcast, no time like the present (a favorite phrase these days) to jump in. In this podcast conversation, Jasmin and I address:
- How an incessantly distracted and wandering mind can affect your mood
- How being more ‘present’ is helpful for happiness
- How the focus on the breath in meditation practices is the agency for reducing wandering mind states
- How mindful eating can help us overcome reactivity
- Why I wrote my letter to Oprah
- and a whole lot more.
Responses to this Our Hen House Podcast:
This morning, when an email came in from Our Hen House Director of Operations John Frusciante, John included a personal note after announcing the public release of my conversation with Jasmin. I found his comments to me very moving, and asked him if he would mind if I shared them with you:
Hi Lani,
On a personal note, I also just want to say how AMAZING I found this interview to be. I’m so grateful to you for what you said about mindfulness practice.
After about fifteen years of occasional meditation, I finally devoted myself to a regular, daily practice about two years ago and it has changed my life in ways I never thought were actually possible. It’s definitely been the most valuable thing I’ve ever done for myself and for others, and to hear you talk about it was so inspiring and emboldening. Everything you talked about ties into things I’ve been thinking a lot about and trying to work on. I’m so excited to read your book. Thank you for everything you said.
It was a terrific interview and deserves to be heard. We know your interview will get listeners excited. Thank you again for your interview, your time, and for helping to change the world for animals. I know that you are going to hugely inspire our listeners.Thanks for everything you do!
John Frusciante
Our Hen House Director of Operations
I hope you enjoy this podcast! Thank you as always for sharing your thoughts in comments below, on social media, or in an email to me.
To a more mindful, kinder and gentler world for all,