How do you know how much to eat to stay in your skinny jeans?
What would it be like if you could eat to satisfaction every day, at every meal, and not have it shadowed by worrying about your weight?
If you have never had a weight problem, then you are probably baffled by this even being a question. Yet if you, like me, have a long and colorful diet – and weight – history, then you know exactly what I mean.
The good news is, there is a way to enjoy this freedom for even those who – like me – have struggled with their weight. Sometimes for years.
‘Ask Lani’ – all new at
Today’s “Ask Lani” question comes from FitDream Fusion member Nancy, and has an alternate working title of “Why am I hungrier some days than others?” I’ve chosen the title of “How do you know how much to eat…” because in essence, this is the question beneath the surface of “Why am I hungrier some days than others”. Because if weight and shape were not a concern, we probably wouldn’t care about ebbs and flows in appetite, now would we?
Imagine the freedom! Well, guess what, it can be yours. Watch today’s video for some uber-important secrets to claiming eating freedom for yourself.
In the comments below, I’d love to hear your experience with this topic:appetite, and eating freedom. Of course, if you have any tips to add, let me know. And btw, here’s the link to a lasagna recipe (as referred to in the video) that you can sink your skinny teeth into: Love your body lasagna.
P.S. Have you gotten your ticket to the Muscles Mud and Merlot Retreat yet?
Click HERE for all the juicy details>>>

Lani, Wow! You and this message were just so completely clear. And I admit that I enjoyed hearing my name. lol You answered every question I had on this. And yes, btw, the lasagne I had at this meal and then again later was actually the lasagne recipe you had up on a blog a while ago. I think you call it Love Your Booty (or is it Body) Lasagne. It’s one of my favorite recipes!
And everything you said just makes so much sense. Of course, I’m not going to have the same hunger everyday. And I’m noticing more and more – while I’m paying attention to eating according to appetite – that my hunger really does vary.
Hugs and thanks again, Nancy
Well, Nancy,, thanks again for such a great question. Remember I jumped on it right away and asked if I could refer to it? I knew it would be perfect for the first in the “Ask” series! And that lasagna recipe is de bomb! Must go back and link in this page.
Lani you have NO idea how perfect this is for me today. What a relief! I always feel better when I come by. Thanks so much!
Jenn, music to my ears! So glad I could help. Come by any time!
What an engaging video. Not only the message but I love the colors and what a beautiful shirt!
I’m glad Nancy spoke up and asked this question because it is on my mind too, even though I never thought of putting it quite that way. Will you be doing more of these Lani?
Beautiful new site by the way!
Hi Diana, yes I’ll be making more because it is such a great way to answer these questions. Some things can just be explained better talking than writing!
I’m so glad you are enjoying today’s video and that you like the look – and my new site, too!
Now, I know this. You’ve told me this before Lani! Thank heavens you keep reminding me.
Hey, where did you get the oh-so-cool t-shirt?
Gwen, I know, we seem to need to hear this one over and over again. No matter, that’s what I’m here for. I had to learn it the hard way too.
Don’t you dig the shirt? I picked it up in St. Helena right up the road from where the Muscles Mud and Merlot Retreat is going to be taking place in November!
Love Fit Quickies and your blog. Please sign me up to receive the weekly newsletter.
Thanks Roxanne, I appreciate you leaving comments and so glad you likey! You should now receive newsletter when the next one comes out, as long as you’ve clicked the confirmation link in the email you should have been sent. Let me know!
Africa Surfari and Mbegu video….WOW…sounds and looks like a trip of a live-time; one you’ll never forget. Thanks for sharing and I’m so happy for you two to go and be able to experience this trip together. Love your encouraging plant based emails and information. I have 1 year until I plan to retire, I’m slowly working your program into my day and I know I will be able to do a better job of it after retirement.
Enjoy, take care and God bless!
Hi Diane! Thanks so much for your note – it has been an unforgettable experience! Every morning we wake and ask eachother, “Where are we going on safari today?” Nothing like it.
I am thrilled that you are enjoying my messages and it means a lot to me to have your feedback. Congrats on upcoming retirement! The Plant-Based Journey should be out just in time to speed your journey!
You mean I don’t have to pay for expert advice like this anymore?!