Julia sent me this letter on the heels of her successful Body Transformation Booty Camp experience. I still get chills each time I read it. When you though you could never lose the weight and then it starts coming off with some changes in diet and workouts, well, how sweet is that? Thank you Julia for joining the Team and for sharing your wins with us!
“I found out that I CAN lose weight! Thank you Lani!”
[frame_left]http://www.lanimuelrath.com/workoutroutinesforwomen/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/julia-edit.jpg[/frame_left]After almost 20 years of overweight, and having tried just about everything out there, I found Lani’s Body Transformation Booty Camp, which seemed to make so much sense.
Could I do it? I had this mindset that I couldn’t lose weight..after all a thyroid problem dictated that, and I had tried so much before.
But Lani’s Booty Camp seemed new and different so I signed up – though also a little fearful that I might somehow fail this one too.
The photos Lani has posted of her own journey were inspiring too, and seemed to show me that in fact, yes, I could also do this. This was a real chance to grab!
On the booty camp, there was no hunger at all. The exercise rotation was really do-able. Being there with others on the forums really helped keep the focus for the 3 weeks. I loved the forums and messages. The personal replies helped me keep going.
AND I FOUND OUT THAT I CAN LOSE WEIGHT! This was the biggest surprise to me on Booty Camp. I lost several pounds and 7.5 inches, and have had so much more energy.
I have HEAPS of energy with no after lunch slump. Clarity of thought processes. My clothes are looser and I love that.
I have a NEW healthy eating plan, and NO HUNGER!
Now I want to continue on this path and experience even more success. I definitely recommend Body Transformation Booty Camp to others…and to friends who also feel hopeless in the battle against weight
Thank you Lani for your continual support, knowledge and advice. This is a real turning point in my life!
~Julia Thiele, Teacher
Burwood East, Australia