

The long awaited opportunity to work out in the headquarters of the Bar Method Workout studios in the San Francisco Marina District finally presented itself today.

And all expectations were (ouch!) fulfilled.

Keep in mind, this is ouch in a GOOD way.

The kind where you leave an hour- long workout with spring in your step.

The kind where you feel like your “backyard” is already an inch higher off the ground than it was an hour before.

And the kind where you emerge strong, stretched, and feeling beautiful in your own body.

Instructor Kate‘s careful cues

Kate’s keen eye was deeply appreciated as I received some Bar Method form tweaks that brought my practice up a notch.

For example, during the signature “folded seat work” (Bar Method fans know exactly what I’m talking about!),  Kate coached me in 2 key adjustments:

1)  the leg lifted in back, with toe turned out to the side wall, should be only bent a teeny tiny bit.  Mine had been bent too much.  But when you straighten it out just a smidge – and Kate kept reminding us all to keep it almost straight (your body just wants to cheat on this one!)  – ZOOM it’s right there in the saddlebag area. Which is maybe why women who do the Bar Method don’t seem to have them.  Saddlebags that is.

2)  while that leg is up in back, and belly is pulled in and hips square/shoulders square, keep the lifted leg close in to the other – Kate’s cue was “keep the glutes pulled in to eachother”.  BOOM – right there in the bum.

This new dimension I am sure I will be feeling the effects of tomorrow.  And I”ll be trotting back into the studio then for another round, so I’ll know for sure.

Stretch challenge!

I don’t know how it happened, but somehow I landed in class next to the MaryLou Retton-esque Susanna, as flexible as they come.

You know, the one who always lands flat into splits whenever the instructor suggests “if you would like, you can open up into more of a split!”  Well, Susanna was there before the words were out of Kate’s mouth.

Speaking with Susanna after class, I learned she is a well-rounded athlete, who (in her own words) does “crazy 24 mile hikes and kick-boxing (for starters!)  She had been at her recent Bar Method studies for about a month and has found the definition in her arms and legs responding like crazy.  Obviously a happy ( and flexible!) camper.

Wish there were a picture of my instructor Kate to show you.  I asked, but as she is several months pregnant (6 months along) she declined.

Just the same Kate, thanks for a great class, and next time – picture!  Promise?

As for me, the “backyard awareness” is starting to kick in.  But I still can’t wait for tomorrow morning’s class.  I hear I may even have the pleasure and honor of having Burr Leonard, creator of the Bar Method workout, as instructor.  Stay tuned.

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