The long awaited opportunity to work out in the headquarters of the Bar Method Workout studios in the San Francisco Marina District finally presented itself today.
And all expectations were (ouch!) fulfilled.
Keep in mind, this is ouch in a GOOD way.
The kind where you leave an hour- long workout with spring in your step.
The kind where you feel like your “backyard” is already an inch higher off the ground than it was an hour before.
And the kind where you emerge strong, stretched, and feeling beautiful in your own body.
Instructor Kate‘s careful cues
Kate’s keen eye was deeply appreciated as I received some Bar Method form tweaks that brought my practice up a notch.
For example, during the signature “folded seat work” (Bar Method fans know exactly what I’m talking about!), Kate coached me in 2 key adjustments:
1) the leg lifted in back, with toe turned out to the side wall, should be only bent a teeny tiny bit. Mine had been bent too much. But when you straighten it out just a smidge – and Kate kept reminding us all to keep it almost straight (your body just wants to cheat on this one!) – ZOOM it’s right there in the saddlebag area. Which is maybe why women who do the Bar Method don’t seem to have them. Saddlebags that is.
2) while that leg is up in back, and belly is pulled in and hips square/shoulders square, keep the lifted leg close in to the other – Kate’s cue was “keep the glutes pulled in to eachother”. BOOM – right there in the bum.
This new dimension I am sure I will be feeling the effects of tomorrow. And I”ll be trotting back into the studio then for another round, so I’ll know for sure.
Stretch challenge!
I don’t know how it happened, but somehow I landed in class next to the MaryLou Retton-esque Susanna, as flexible as they come.
You know, the one who always lands flat into splits whenever the instructor suggests “if you would like, you can open up into more of a split!” Well, Susanna was there before the words were out of Kate’s mouth.
Speaking with Susanna after class, I learned she is a well-rounded athlete, who (in her own words) does “crazy 24 mile hikes and kick-boxing (for starters!) She had been at her recent Bar Method studies for about a month and has found the definition in her arms and legs responding like crazy. Obviously a happy ( and flexible!) camper.
Wish there were a picture of my instructor Kate to show you. I asked, but as she is several months pregnant (6 months along) she declined.
Just the same Kate, thanks for a great class, and next time – picture! Promise?
As for me, the “backyard awareness” is starting to kick in. But I still can’t wait for tomorrow morning’s class. I hear I may even have the pleasure and honor of having Burr Leonard, creator of the Bar Method workout, as instructor. Stay tuned.

That’s a great tip! I do the Bar Method DVD’s regularly and I’ll have to try not bending my knee so much. Thanks, Lani. I look forward to more Bar Method articles.
Hi Patricia!
It really makes a difference! I can feel it today.
AND I was back at the studio today in SF again. I attended a class with Burr and met with her for quite awhile afterward for a great interview. I’ll be reporting in about it so you’ll see more right here.
Where do you live? Have you ever been to a studio workout? It’s quite the experience! The structure is unlike I’ve seen anywhere and I had a great time talking with Burr about how she has designed the flow of classes.
Thanks for posting your comment. It’s fun to compare notes!
How lucky that you were able to interview Burr! I think she is such an inspiration. She is 62 years old and is in great shape. I can’t wait to read the interview. I live in Chico so there’s no Bar Method studio here…yet. Maybe some day I will get to San Francisco for a class.
Hi Lani, I enjoy your blog,
I’ve been working out to the Bar Method (new)DVD’s for approx. 6 mos. 3/4 times a week. I have lost some inches, but not a lot. I haven’t dropped any pants size at all. My waist seems to be doing a disappearing act and the “love handles” are appearing! I love the Bar Method, enjoy the workout, feel great afterwards, I’m just not seeing the results I would like. I don’t have a studio anywhere close to me, I would be there if I did. I’m sure the results are much faster going to the studios, than doing the DVD’s.
I think Burr is great, she is on to something with the Bar Method. Its just my results are not progressing like I read everybody else’s are.
Hi Susan,
Thanks for pausing to comment, I enjoy hearing what you have to day.
It sounds like you have definitely seen some progress, yet still aspiring to more changes. Are you fairly close to your goal or ideal weight? Things can slow down once you get close, but you probably know all about that! I’m not sure what “everyone else’s” results are that you refer to, you’ll have to let me know!
To step up your results, it might take a look at dietary guidelines (when we are close to goal, these tweaks can be tiny yet with long term result). You can also look into your intensity. I’m not near a studio either, but here’s what I do – once familiar with the DVD, I set up quickly and start reps while Burr is still explaining. For example, on the new Accelerated, I work straight through the arms/shoulders without dropping. If I play with a heavier weight, I might break it up a little. You can experiment.
Also, challenge yourself on lower body by dropping thigh work another 1/2 inch. Go for the quiver from the start. This will push your intensity up, which creates more of an interval and the resulting EPOC, or excessive post-exercise oxygen consumption. Do a search in my category listings here under “metabolic rate” for articles on same.
Play with the form of your workouts – see the article here titled “You Make Your Workout: 3 pivotal points of focus” and continually check to see that they are layered into your workout.
Hope this helps and thanks so much again for the posting your comments!
Thanks Lani, I never thought about working right through while Burr is explaining, I always just wait on her! I’m heading to the DVD’s now to try that.
Everyone else’s results I refer to is what I read on Burr’s Blog, Twitter, etc. I’ve read where some have lost 10 lbs. or more and lots of inches. I haven’t had close to those results. I am trying to lose 10-15 lbs. so far it is not happening. I have toned up and lost some inches, I have just managed to hit a stand still, results have stayed the same for the last month or more. I have lost enough to keep me motivated to continue the workouts, plus I feel better.
Initially the change of shape and inches will occur; then the weight loss.
Also, see if you can become aware of any shifts in shape. Bar Method exercises cause the muscle to sit up higher – the “lift” effect – and change of shape isn’t always a measureable quantity.
Just the same, I know those goals are important and please keep me up to date on your progress or let me know if there is any way I might assist. And let me know how the “working through” experiment goes!
This is an old blog and I’m not if anyone even reads it anymore. But I’ve been doing Bar Method pretty consistently, about 4x a week in the studio, and seriously cannot fit into any of my old pants! I’m stuck wearing dresses ALL the time and it is beyond frustrating! I notice more tone in my quads but I have to say everything is bigger than it was four months ago. I read about what everyone else experiences and am wondering why I’m so different. I don’t eat a ton of food, and am a vegan, so I’m not sure what the deal is, but it’s kind of discouraging.
Hey Romie,
Sorry to hear you are discouraged with your results. Vegan doesn’t necessarily mean healthy, whole food, low fat or slimming – often that is the culprit. Did you talk to your studio instructor?