Brad Pilon’s got a NEW book out! It’s called How Much Protein?
As you may already know, Brad is the author of Eat Stop Eat, which I featured in 2 previous posts, 5 Reasons To Try Mini-Fasts and Mini-Fasts, My 4-Month Report.
Brad’s new book about protein was featured in my recent blog post Is Protein’s Pedestal On Tilt?
Here is more about the book How Much Protein?:
We’ve all heard that protein is critical to building and maintaining lean muscle and metabolism, but is this a scientific truth or an industry created myth? Find out exactly how much protein you really need to build a lean muscular body.”
Discover the truth about protein supplements, if you need protein at every meal, pre- and post workout protein, and how much protein you really need to build muscle. “
Things you will find in How Much Protein?:
- How much protein you need to optimize the muscle building process (Finally, an answer that makes sense)”
- The difference between true gains in muscle versus protein synthesis and nitrogen balance (You won’t believe how we’ve been misled)
- How the vast majority of research on gaining muscle is funded by supplement companies (and what this means to you).
I think it’s a winner! But don’t take my word for it.
Brad has been a TeleClass Call guest of mine on more than one occasion.
And he’s going to be my guest again on Saturday, February 21. We’re going to talk about this book! (You can sign up for this FREE session at the bottom of this post)
Free Offer!
I’ll let you in on a secret…
Brad has a special offer for my guests: if you pick up a copy of his excellent book Eat Stop Eat about intermittent fasting and makes that purchase on February 23, 24, or 25, you will receive in addition, FREE, a copy of How Much Protein.
To get you started, Brad has produced 3 short videos that provide mini protein lessons. Each of these videos is just a couple of minutes long, so they make for fast, informative viewing.
I’ll post the links to these videos when the SPECIAL OFFER launches, which is bright and early Monday, February 23, because that is when the FREE offer launches – for 3 days only!
In the meantime, hope to “see” you on the call; simply sign up for the Call Access Information below!
P.S. Brad just told me that if you have previously purchased a copy of Eat Stop Eat, a FREE copy of How Much Protein will be sent to you soon – watch for it! Then come to the call as well so you can ask any follow-up questions