How to win a Fit Quickie Combo audio track
We are headed out on our morning hike here and I’ve got a really fun plan cooked up for you and a way for you to win something. So I’ll tell you about that in a minute.
But first, can you tell where we are?
Yes, we are in the land of ‘climb ev’ry mountain’ – we’re in Switzerlaaaaand!
Anyway, back to my plan.
Before we continue today’s hike…
As I told you just a few days ago, I have been squeezing in just a few minutes of Fit Quickies every day. It’s a great way to help me stay in shape along with our hiking.
I came up with this wonderful combination that was just four Fit Quickies.
It started with Fit Quickie #10, which is Leg Plays.
Then I went to Fit Quickie #6, Thigh Warriors.
Then I went right on to Fit Quickie # 9, which is Stand-Up Seat.
And then I finished with a standing version of #5, which is Topless Muffins.
So, here’s the idea with the Fit Quickie Lower Body Combo Contest.
I’m betting you have some great ideas for some combinations of Fit Quickies yourself that I would love to hear from you!
What I’d like you to do is send to me your ideas.
How to win the Fit Quickie Lower Body Combo Contest
Pick 4 or 5 Fit Quickies that have to do with lower body and put them together in any order you like.
#1 List the order of your Fit Quickie combination
#2 Tell why you put them together in that order: Did you think it was a fun combination? Good exercise? You just pulled the order out of a hat?
#3 Tell your reasons for why it’s a good workout.
#4 Give your combination a name
Post your contest entry right here on the blog at
Give it a fun and sexy name because that’s whay Fit Quickies are all about: Being effective and smar t yet also being lots of fun.
Post your entry by June 25, 2011 and I’ll look through what you’ve got so I can give YOU your combination, if it is selected, of a great lower body Fit Quickie combo.
1) Pick 4 or 5 Fit Quickies
2) Put them together in a unique order
3) Tell me why you chose that order
4) Give your combination a fun name
5) Get it to me by June 25 – post it right here on the blog.
OK – we’ve got more alps to climb so I’ll see you next time. Ciao!
Hey before you go, I almost forgot to tell you. I don’t know whether it’s the altitude! I asked YOU to come up with a clever name for your Fit Quickie combo and I forgot to tell what the name of MY combination is.
I came up with it in the hills of Tuscany so I call it “Tush Toscana”. That’s my creative name, and I’m sure you’ve got lots of great ideas. I can’t wait to hear ‘em.
If you liked this video, you know what to do. “Like” it!
Share it with your friends. And I’ll see you soon!
P.S. I didn’t mention this I the video, yet actually another effective way to make a Fit Quickie combination is to just pick 2 – 3 and cycle through them 2 – 3 times. Just to help you get those creative juices flowing!
P.P.S. Just to help you get started, here is a list of all the Fit Quickies currently available (uh, yeah, there are more on the way!) that qualify as “lower body” for the purposes of this contest:
#2: Inner thigh squeeze and tease
# 4: Gorgeous Glutes and Hamstrings
#5: Topless Muffins
#6; Thigh Warriors
#8: Hot Seat
#9: Stand-up Seat
#10: Leg Plays
Descriptions and images of all of the Fit Quickies can be found by going to

Hi Lani! I just got your message about the contest and can’t wait to enter! I love Fit Quickies and mixing them up the way you do is part of the fun.
So, any combination of the Fit Quickies you listed?
Hey Jen, that’s right – any combo!
BTW, you can also repeat a move in your sequence. One of my secret weapons for putting a new demand on those muscles!
Can’t wait to see what you come up with,
OK. Here is a combo that I’ve been doing this week that I just love:
1) Order
Fit Quickie #8, Hot Seat
Fit Quickie #4, Gorgeous Glutes and Hamstrings
Fit Quickie #5, Topless Muffins
and finish with:
Fit Quickie #8 again, Hot Seat
2) I chose this order because they are my favorites (well, I love the new #9 too but I had to pick something to enter! Can we enter more than once?)
3) I’m calling this HOTTER Seat because I do Fit Quickie #8 twice.
I love to do this one before going to bed, believe it or not. I use the stretches you have included and it feels SOOOO good when I’m finished! Only takes a few minutes too.
Thanks Lani, this is such a great idea!
Hi Diana! Thanks for getting things off to such a great start, I’m so glad to see you not only having fun with your Fit Quickies but with putting together combinations as well!
And yes, you can enter more than once. Fabio!
wait a minute…..ya mean FOR REAL – I could pick 2-3 and do them 2-3 times – and that would count as a real workout (I mean if along with Supersets this made the bodyshaper about 45 min????)????? – I never even thought of that – I have done a routine twice (ie fq 1,2,3,5 and repeated same sequence), but NEVER thought of just picking and doing 2-3 times. THIS to me is a new and TOTALLY wonderful concept!!!
Wow Lani, just when I’m thinkin’ I should go back and do something that isn’t that good for me YOU come up with a way for me to continually stay with FQ’s in each workout no matter what!!!
10,5,9,5,8 – 10 to start, so the legs and muscles are warm; 5 to get my whole body involved – with arm up; 9 cuz the seat just feels so good after this one, then 5 again but with hand down for support. – finishing with 8 cuz it just feels sooooooooooooooooo good; in fact, I am just learning/weaning myself to finish my routine without doing 8 at the end! Besides, you’re already lying down, and I find taking a few extra moments to relax really helps my body and knees adjust to the workout – so that I can get up and get back to work at the computer without hurting – that’s a big thing for me.
I’m calling this The Rebound – cuz it helps when I’ve come home from a long day lecturing, and isn’t too taxing due to the stretching part of 5, but helps me rebound with some energy. It’s all standing up for me, which makes a big dif for my knees (oh yes, forgot to mention, I do 5 standing version – and honestly, not the full version either – knees just won’t take it – YET!)
This is a fantastic combination!
Plus you nailed it with that title kiddo. “Rebound” just conjures up a backyard so firmed up you could bounce coins off of it. So rebound gets a double meaning here.
BTW, what do you mean by ‘real’ workout? What does ‘real’ mean?
lol Lani – meaning that it counts as my bodyshaper. These are all real workouts, but I am still thinking in terms of the boundaries (that I am still learning about) ie bodyshaper should be about 40-45 min.
Got it. Remember sneaking in fit Quickies adds to the bodyshaper equation, which is why they are so great at ‘shape reinforcement’ even between your longer sessions. You go!
Hey, Lani! Okay, I don’t have all of your Fit Quickies *yet*. However, here is my little lis
#10: Leg Plays
#6: Thigh Warriors
#9: Stand-up Seat
# 4: Gorgeous Glutes and Hamstrings
#5: Topless Muffins
#8: Hot Seat
So, here’s why I’m doing what I’m doing: Leg plays and Thigh warriors to get the thighs smoking and exhausted: I want my bum to burn! Then, I like to progress towards the floor. I start with Stand-up Seat since I’m already standing, followed by Gorgeous Glutes & Hams to again isolate the same muscle group from a different level of gravity and body position. I hit those Topless Muffins to target the smaller hip and glute muscles. Finally, top it off with Hot Hips to stretch the back, and hit the glutes again from another variance of gravity and position. (Ending with Hot Hips also allows me to rest my now burning body, followed by some blissful mat time once the sequence is finished.)
I am naming mine Hot Pants – because we all want to look as good Audrey Hepburn did in those delicious pair of hot pants she wore in “Sabrina” 🙂 Here’s hoping I win!
Best to you Lani! I think of you in your mountains of Switzerland as I am in mine back in the States,
Keturah you have me jaw-dropped open with that title – Hot Pants? Awesome! I love your combination! And bringing in mention of the back stretch with #8 is well appreciated.
And btw we’re just back from Switzerland so I was able to upload my video from home, even though we filmed it in the alps.
Thanks Keturah, love it!
Oooh! Thanks to Nancy for her quick email this morning about Fit Quickie #2, Inner thigh squeeze and tease, as being on the ‘lower body’ list! I’ll blame this one on the jet lag! Thanks Nancy! Extra points for you!
OK, I’m calling my combo “Let’s go legs’ because it makes me feel like I can get up and go PLUS I hear you say ‘let’s go!” in my head and it seems like a good match.
I did this combo before getting started with a project for my business this morning and it made a big difference in motivation for me. Thank you for that!
1) #8 Hot Seat
2) #6 Thigh Warriors
3) #4 Glutes and Hams
4) # 9 Stand up seat (LOVE it! Especially at this point in the sequence!)
5) #2 Inner thigh squeeze
6) #5 Topless Muffins
I used 6 moves, not 4 or 5 – hope that’s OK?
Back to work! Thanks!
Finish with the #5 stretches and done
Jennifer, hey, this looks good and no problema on the 6 moves. Love the order! How clever to put #2 down in the lineup – been those burn baby burn!
hmm, I would call it Bottom o’ Bottom!! or BOB for short. I would start w/Inner Thigh Squeeze & Tease, followed by Kickstand Curls, Thigh Warriors, Then Hot Seat.
So – 2, 7, 6, 8. I don’t have nine or ten, so I cannot comment, nor add them
The REASON for my order, is this:
2 (followed by kickstand curls) then you aren’t going directly to another ‘leg’ movement, allowing those muscles and the surrounding ones to ‘recover’
After 7, on to six, so – back to the legs, off to number eight, which honestly I think Hot seat FEELS tremendous!! I love the way you stretch it out at the end, and I can ‘feel’ it working very deep.
So – BOTTOM OH!!!!!!!!!!! BOTTOM!!
Hey Grayce! Well, you’ve motivated me! Don’t you love seat work? Oh, yeah!
Thanks for your post!
Lani, I have had so much fun putting this together. Thanks for the opportunity to be creative!
Here’s the order – 10 Leg Plays, 6 Thigh Warriors, 9 Stand Up Seat, 2 Inner Thigh Tease and Squeeze, 4 Gorgeous Glutes and Hamstrings, and finally 1 Flat Belly.
I chose this particular order to save steps so that I could get the most intensity, in the most muscles, in the least amount of time. #10 is done standing and so is the stretch. I continue standing to do #6 and the stretch, and to do #9. Then I move to the chair to do #2. Then onto the floor to do the stretch for both 9 and 2. Onto the knees for #4, and then sitting for the stretch. Followed by #1 laying on the floor. I also love this order because I start out with what I think is the best invigorator – # 10 and end with the most relaxing – #1 on the floor. And there you have it.
The Lower Body Quickest Fitties!!
What fun and what a workout! Oh, and it takes just about 35 minutes.
Nancy, I love your combo and your logic is – well, so logical! And I also love that you had fun putting it together – that’s soooo important!
Egggselent 😉
muah, me