I’ve just signed the contract for my next book!
The Plant-Based Journey from BenBella Books – by yours truly – is now a work in progress for release in 2015.
This is the exciting news I’ve been absolutely dying to tell you about. I told you in my newsletter a few weeks back that a big announcement was coming, and now it’s here. Before the official press release, before the listing on my publisher’s page at BenBella Books, I wanted you to be the first to know.
If BenBella books sounds familiar, it’s because they are the publishers of The China Study, by T. Colin Campbell (now over one million copies sold!), Whole, by T. Colin Campbell and Howard Jacobson, Pam Popper’s Food Over Medicine, and of course the entire Happy Herbivore series as well as J. Morris Hicks’ Healthy Eating, Healthy World: Unleashing the Power of Plant-Based Nutrition. And that’s just for starters – there are multiple other titles BenBella carries in the plant-based world – can you see why I am so excited to be on the Ben Bella team? They also publish multiple other genres and topics.
The Plant-Based Journey will be a step-by-step guide to making the transition to a plant-based lifestyle.
There’s nothing out there quite like it, which has the entire team at BenBella – as well as myself – quite excited.
Can you help out? Short reader survey
If we’ve been on this journey together for some time, even a few months, you may recall a survey I sent out a few weeks back asking about YOUR plant-based lifestyle transitions. Preparation for this book proposal is what that was all about – and your responses have been a huge assist in putting together this project! As a matter of fact, I plan to incorporate piles of your responses in the book manuscript – don’t be surprised if you get an email from me to talk about it!
And now that the book is coming down the pike, I’ve put together a new survey to which I invite you to respond. If you already responded to the first survey, then I have your results. But if not – or if you did respond and would like to fill out the survey again – this time in expanded form – by all means I would love to have your response!
Below is the link to the survey, compiled online in complete confidence – your answers will only come to me. Please take a look and if you have a couple of minutes, I deeply value what you have to say!
Plant-Based Transition Survey
Please click on the link to respond to the survey:
And most of all – thank you so much for your enthusiasm and support these past few years. It is because of YOUR interest, passion, and involvement that the opportunity such as this book has become a reality – YOU make a difference, more that you know!
I’ll keep you posted as wel go along. Exciting!

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