February 2012 fast approaches, and with it the long anticipated ‘conversation’ between Drs. John McDougall and Joel Fuhrman.
And that’s not all! 😉
Look at the list of speakers and headliners. Scroll further down to video clips and slide show (you’ll see me in there!) of the September 2011 Advanced Study Weekend.
McDougall Advanced Study Weekend
February 17-19, 2012
See Drs. John McDougall and Joel Fuhrman Argue Starch vs. Nuts
Many people view these two giants in the
dietary therapy field as adversaries. Judge for yourself.
Speakers for the February 17-19, 2012 Advanced Study Weekend:
H. Gilbert Welch, MD—Dartmounth Professor and author of Over–diagnosed.
Joel Fuhrman, MD—Public speaker and author of books including Eat to Live.
Kathy Freston—Author of the Veganist. She promotes a body/mind/spirit approach to health and happiness.
Melanie Joy, Ph.D., Ed.M.—Author of the acclaimed Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows.
Michael Klaper, MD—Author of Pregnancy, Children, and the Vegan Diet.
Michael Greger, MD—Author and Director, Public Health and Animal Agriculture, the Humane Society of the United States.
Lindsay S. Nixon—Author of the Happy Herbivore.
Plus Doug Lisle, PhD, Jeff Novick, RD and John McDougall MD.
Watch a Video From the September 2011 Advdanced Study Weekend
Slide Show of the Last Advanced Study Weekend
McDougall Advanced Study Weekends are dedicated to broadening the understanding of plant-food based nutrition and conservative medical care. Our impressive guest speakers present new opinions and research to our sophisticated audiences. Even though we call them “advanced study,” these educational events are designed for the benefit and enjoyment of those just beginning on the road to better health, as well as medical and nutrition professionals. Nor are participants expected to have attended a 10-day program before coming.
[note_box]$465.00 Per Person, includes education and meals (Discount room rates available). 15 Hours of Continuing Education Credits for Nurses. (California CEP number: 15494). Direct flights into Santa Rosa (STS) on Horizon Air from LAX, SEA, PDX, and LAS. Attendees receive a large discount to watch the Internet Broadcast afterwards.
Sign up online on the website or write to Carol at carol@drmcdougall.com or call (800) 941-7111 or (616) 874-8155
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