Thanks to Stacy who posted a fleet of questions in a response right here on the plant-based fitness blog.Β  They made for a great, simple article soΒ  that’s exactly where it went – to the posts!

Ive been trying to find the answer to this question, and can’t find a clear-cut answer, so maybe u can help, Lani!

What is the exact difference between McDougall, Fuhrman, and Esselstyn?

99+% on the same page.Β  They would all agree, I am certain, that as long as you eat freely from a selection of vegetables, starchy vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and fruits, you are doing really really well.Β  Dr. McDougall would tell you to be sure to pile on the starchies, Fuhrman would tell you to be sure to eat lots of vegetables, and Esselstyn and McDougall would both have you be very judicious about high fat foods in your diet, even such as avocados and nuts, if health is an issue.Β  Read their books for the best match for you.

In the meantime, catch my notes from the McDougall – Fuhrman debate from last February here:

McDougall vs. Fuhrman: Notes for you from the great plant-based doctors debate

Some other questions, if u don’t mind me asking:

-how much fat (%) is recommended for the low-fat plant-based diet? How much protein (%)? Carbs (%)?

Remember, we don’t eat nutrients, we eat food.Β  A whole – food low-fat – plant based diet without added expelled oils and concentrated, processed food and avoiding too many high fat whole foods will put you in the right place.Β  Rather than look at isolated nutrients, look at the dietary ideal of aΒ  low fat plant-based diet of starchy vegetables, vegetables, whole grains, beans, fruit , nuts and seeds. Eating a varied diet from this selection will land you at about 10% protein, 10% fat, and 80% carbohydrate – though this varies daily and is a rough estimate depending on your choices.

-Should soy be avoided? if not, why is it allowed and what are brands of tofu that wont cause endocrine issues?

If you are sensitive to soy, avoid it.Β  If not, in moderation it presents no problems.Β  I don’t know about ‘brands’ when it comes to the endocrine question.

-Any tips for those who need to be gluten-free and have trouble digesting beans/legumes?

Make beans more digestible by:

1.Β  soaking a day or two before cooking, then cooking half way and pouring off the cooking water, then cooking the rest of the way.Β  Be sure they are cooked enough.

2. canned beans can sometime be more easily tolerated.

3.Β  if just getting started in the bean department, start with smaller quantities, not too much at one time, chew well and work your way up.Β  Having beans in soup can also be helpful to digestion – just be sure they’re cooked.

As for gluten-free, watch for my upcoming Teleclass with Julieanna Hever, R.D., author of Complete Idiot’s Guide to Gluten-free Vegan Cooking.

-Nutritional yeast: healthy or not ideal and why? If u use this, how do u use it?

I use nutritional yeast as a flavor agent.

-Food combining rules: fact or hoax…why?

Go on personal experience, if a certain combo doesn’t work for you then work around it.Β  I’ve seen no research-supported reports that suggests food combining as a science.

-Have u tried Food for Life Brown Rice tortillas? Are these healthy?

Haven’t tried them.Β  If they don’t have added fats or other items that might present problems, you should be good to go but I’m only going on the name you’ve given me.Β  Food for Life does make some great breads and other items.

Thanks SO much and I love ur blog!!!Β Β Β  <3!!!!!!

Thank you Stacy!

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