Dear Oprah,
It has just come to my attention that you have recently released a new book Life-Changing Insights from Super Soul Conversations Wisdom of Sundays:, on just about the same day as my new book The Mindful Vegan: A 30-Day Plan for Finding Health, Balance, Peace, and Happiness.
In reports about the book launch event you hosted at your home in Santa Barbara in October, 2017, I have gleaned this quote attributed to you:
“Everything in this book comes from the spirit of what I’ve been trying to do here on the planet Earth since I recognized that I had a calling,” she said. “It’s sharing wisdom in a way that opens people up to the best of themselves, to the heart of themselves, to a more purposeful life — a life that allows you to literally get woke and stay woke.”
In “opening to the best of ourselves”, I want to applaud the fact that you had vegan options available at your brunch, attended, it appears, by some three hundred people.
At the same time, also served was “fried chicken and waffles, a Southern Culture Grits Bar, soul food sides and a seafood bar with mac and cheese…”
Does “the best of ourselves” include utilizing billions of animals – such as the chickens and the dairy cows and the creatures of the sea – and subjecting them to horrors of incarceration and farm ‘management’ so that humans can enjoy a few minutes of favorite tastes? To me, these are inconsistent with an “get woke and stay woke” world.
As a world thought leader, I ask you, would it not be possible to take such a simple yet fundamental step toward the betterment of our world and our humanity as to cease involving ourselves in treating other sentient beings as objects in this fashion?
As a world thought leader, I ask, would it not be possible for you to advance the message of the tremendous relief to our environmental crisis the switch to veganism brings?
These are the true meaning of a purposeful life. Yes, there is lots of other work to be done, which you are engaging in with your work in education and advancing the well-being of women worldwide, among others. Yet why not step into this dimension, so easy to do, in a bigger way? The result is decreased human suffering (due to relief from the cognitive dissonance of loving animals while eating them, relief from the disease-promoting potential of animal products) along with that of the other sentient being with which we share this planet. One can start by simply being as vegan as possible.
I hope that your book inspires many. And that you open your heart to this other dimension and easy way of ‘getting woke and staying woke”.
May all beings be healthy and happy in 2018 and beyond,
Lani Muelrath
A Note to My Dear Readers,
This open letter, originally posted on my facebook page December 31, 2017, is being published here for a couple of reasons so that it can be shared with you, should we not currently be connected on social media. it is also being published here to increase the chances of this letter actually making its way into Oprah’s hands and heart. Extensive support and encouragement by those who saw my letter on facebook urging me to find more ways to circulate the letter and increase the chances of Oprah reading same is another reason you are reading this here.
Please share your thoughts about this letter in comments below – and join the rest of us in creating a wider spread of the contents by sharing in social media and with friends. I look forward to your thoughts, and thank you.

Thank you Lani! It is my hope that Oprah will read this and her heart will be open to starting a great conversation that could reach and impact so many people <3
Thank you Jen for getting things started!
Lani, this is a brilliant letter to Oprah! Than you! If we succeed in reaching her, this would be a major break through to the world. Oprah’s following is phenomenal and I do applaud her ability to reach millions of people!
Oprah! Please do awaken all of yourself so you are longer contributing to violence! When dairy cow is stripped from his mama so you can have mac n cheese, you are ingesting all that fear and pain. Have you seen the video of the mama cow running after the truck that stole her baby!? The pain and suffering for both mama and child is horrific! It is easy to veganize Mac n cheese!
I know you want peace in your life and you want peace for all who adore you! Help them find peace, compassion and well being by becoming non violent and make kind, plant based food choices!
Thank you Linda, your support is appreciated. I think sticking to one topic, discontinuing support of needless harm to other animals is the most important thing out of the gate. The pure, simple message is “We be woke” to the ease with which we can end so much of the damage to others, the environment, and ourselves by taking animal products off the table.
Thank you so much for stopping in to advance the conversation!
Bravo for your letter to Oprah! So well said, Lani. Not an easy thing to do. No matter how well written and carefully worded, one runs the risk of offending a true leader, who is doing so much good in the world. But it’s worth the risk, isn’t it? We vegans know that traditional food CAN be made vegan. It’s not exactly the same, but it’s worth it, for so many reasons. As Maya Anjelou lovingly said, “When you know better, you do better.” We (including Oprah) certainly know better now. We can no longer claim ignorance in the face of needless suffering caused by the meat, egg, & dairy industries. Thank you, thank you, thank you for speaking for the animals, who are unable to speak for themselves. 🙏🏻💕
Trudi, your message is strong and supportive. I appreciate this more than you know.
The thing about speaking up and taking a stand is that it must also come without expectation of what the result will be. The purity of taking a stand and being confident in that speaks for itself. I haven’t made accusations, or insulted anyone that I am aware of, just invited a new view for advancing the better well being of all.
Thank you!
How beautifully put. It’s true, the best messages we can bring are those that come from the heart with the sensibility of the mind, without admonishment or expectation – exactly what you do in this letter. Outstanding!
Shannon, thank you for this!
I followed Oprah from the very beginning of her career and I hoped she would stay true to that person she was…..compassionate. Sadly she did not……………..she has had so many opportunities to promote plant based eating….and believe me with all the research her and her people do ………………she knows that plant based eating ..saves lives and reverses diseases. Honestly I don’t see her backing it ……………..she financially bought into Weight Watchers ………..her investment would suffer if she did. This is where things changed for me……………….she is very aware and yet she will do nothing. I have listened to her live streams and sent her suggestions on plant based eating……..she never responded. Someone that is suppose to be an animal advocate……still eating meat…………I just don’t get it…..I am so disappointed.
So true, Shirley. It is disappointing that someone who has experienced the benefits of eating plants, would now endorse the dangerous practice of eating proven, unnecessary, carcinogens. Perhaps her experiences with the Texas Cattle Ranchers and the $10.3 million lawsuit against her for agreeing with Howard Lyman about the dangers of consuming animal products has influenced her decision to avoid confrontation and continue with the state sanctioned animal slaughter. She was quoted as saying “Free speech not only lives, it rocks,” Oprah told reporters in February 1998 after the Amarillo, Texas, jury ruled in her favor. “I’m still off hamburgers,” she added.
Thank you, Chuck, for jumping into the conversation.
Lani, what a kind, thoughtful, and sincere letter. I hope that through enough of us sharing this message with friends and media that its contents reach far and wide and find their way into Oprah’s hands.
Your letter is very uplifting to read. Thank you for this, for speaking out, for leading the way.
Shannon, it means so much to me that you find this an uplifting message. This is my intention – raise us up a bit to make choices more compatible with our higher aspirations and deepest ethics. I so appreciate you taking the time to share these thoughts.
Wow. Amazing letter. Very well put.
I agree with Shirly(see her comment above), Your letter was on point.
I am sad that Oprah has so much knowledge regarding the vegan lifestyle yet still does not promote it and advocate for animals.
Any person with true compassion cannot in all good conscience eat or use anything that comes from harming animals.
Oprah has dogs whom she obviously loves. There is a disconnect. I would like to think that disconnect is not related to money. I will send energy to Oprah to open her mind and heart have a full awakening(this includes compaassion for all sentient beings). Imagine if she were to become a vegan activist. With her popularity we may actually make huge progress. Lani, Love your book.
Thank you for adding your comments to the conversation. We always think that if someone only knew, if they had really opened their hearts to the truth, that they would make important change such as this. I keep reflecting on my own history for lessons. Though I become vegetarian 45 years ago, I still used dairy products for many years after that, the only animal product left in my diet. Over time the horrors of the dairy industry became better known, and eventually dairy product left my plate as well. This gives me some patience and compassion for those who drag their heels a bit, too. Yet the influential Ms. Winfrey has been very public about her knowledge of animal agriculture (recall the case with the beef industry many years back, where Howard Lyman was on her show and they shared many days in court). I just came across an article she wrote after trying a 30 day ‘cleanse’, in which case she was vegan, and said:
So I don’t know what to think. I would like to hear Oprah answer the question, about how she connects the quote above with current practices so that I can better understand. We all have inconsistencies, and compartmentalize information. Yet the evidence for going vegan for the environment, our health, and justice for the animals just continues to mount.
It was a very thought provoking letter with no shaming. I’m sorry to hear that even though animal products were served, it was the unhealthiest of this unhealthy group. I know awhile back, Oprah did the 30 day vegan challenge. It’s too bad she didn’t stay with it. I commend you on taking action and I hope she can take the time to respond.
Hi Kali,
Your comments mean a lot to me. I did not want to blame or shame, and really, this letter was written straight from the heart. I even see I haven’t correct all my spell check, which I will go back in to take care of after finishing this response to you.
I just quoted Oprah from an article she wrote following the 21 day cleanse, which included shift to vegan, in my response to Carron. I just found this reference, and maybe I should add it to the article itself. Perhaps the cleanse didn’t take because it was too strict! Not only did Oprah ditch animal products for the duration, she also cut “removing all sugar, alcohol, caffeine, gluten.. from my diet.” This is a tall order out of the gate, and certain to mix things up for someone as they start down the vegan path. Just start with taking the animals off the table, and moving more plants in!
I do go on. Thank you so much for your thoughts today!
I applaud you. I think you wrote a fabulous letter to Oprah. Hopefully she’ll read your book and learn something. I know I sure did. Thanks for all you do.
Hi Patti. Thank you so much for your enthusiastic support and that you like the letter. It means a lot to me to hear from you!
I think Oprah is one of those people who Dr. John McDougall refers to as wanting to hear good news about their bad habits. She has financial interest in Weight Watchers and now they have launched a new program where people can eat their bad food choices, just less of it. Oprah is obese and delusional and sheep people see her as a type of god and do not use their gift of discernment. People will do what Oprah recommends just because it is the always authoritative behaving Oprah giving an opinion that has a large dose of command to it. Oprah is giving her future Weight Watcher customers the message that they can continue with their unhealthy food habits. That is shameful. She will become even wealthier and wealth is okay but not this way…not raking in huge money by deluding people and continuing to make them unhealthy. And, it’s not like she is unaware of the Plant Based Whole Foods No added salt, sugar, fat or processed foods diet…she knows…she knows. And, I see the good doctors, and others in our movement working in Black neighborhoods to bring the program and good health to the people living in those neighborhoods. They do good work. Oprah is not doing the same. People in those neighborhoods, and others, will be harmed by what is has helped to create and is now endorsing in a big way.
Hi Lynda,
I want to underscore that body-shaming or judging anyone else’s size or shape, or even if they want to do anything about it, is not my intention with this letter to Oprah.
The issue is the “getting woke” element surrounding animal agriculture. I do not want to communicate to Oprah that I have any opinions or suggestions about her health or weight, whether to lose or to gain, so McDougalisms are not exactly to the point. However, I understand that is what you bring to the table and appreciate your comments within that context. I just don’t want to complicate the primary plea I am making with this letter.
Thank you so much for your support and enthusiasm,
Lani, I applaud your courage and conviction in writing this letter, and hope it makes it’s mark. I don’t watch TV and have never been a follower of popular stars or media gossip, but I do remember the story about the ridiculous lawsuit the animal torture industry initiated on Oprah when former rancher Howard Lyman was on her show exposing the cruel truths of reality. I also recall hearing about another guest on her show talking about the veal industry, and in both instances I believe she stated something along the lines of “I will never eat animal products again”… I am surprised and disappointed that someone with her reputation and influence has such limited recall or integrity about a huge issue that has such tremendous impact and is the cause of so much suffering. Not just for the animals, but also the negative health affects on people and the planet. It saddens me greatly to learn that yet another respected public figure praised for their compassion and benevolence is more beholden to the almighty dollar of the commercial business and advertising agendas than upholding the integrity of her own statement.
Hi VeggieTater,
I appreciate your contribution to the conversation. The incident to which you refer was the lawsuit in which Oprah and Howard Lyman, author of Mad Cowboy, had to together fight a defamation lawsuit by the beef industry when Howard shared with Oprah on her show about contaminants and other problems with the beef industry, as you describe. You actually underscore it perfectly, and thank you for assisting in educating readers here about some of the history involved.
Thank you,
Hi Lani,
When I wrote Oprah is obese I wasn’t body shaming her nor was it a moral judgment. I am an R.N. and what I had to say about her being obese was purely a clinical sight assessment.
Considering that, I would be concerned about taking diet advice from a person who has never yet had lasting success with healthy eating or weight loss.
And, we are all a part of the animal kingdom. When it comes to health and protecting anyone from being harmed I include the health and safety of people as well. Whether it’s our animal friends being raised and slaughtered for our food…or holding them hostage for the products they provide or people being mislead or misinformed by others who either don’t know what they talking about, or speaking from their own case of cognitive dissonance and wanting the company of others in that state of dissonance or those people who are in the game for financial profit.
I do understand your point and I fully appreciate it. Eating animals or their products kills or harms them and, ultimately, kills us. Once someone understands that, as Oprah has stated that she has, how can anyone go back to supporting something so wrong and in full view of the public eye?
Lynda, thank you for your additional valuable contributions to the conversation. I understand that you are taking the perspective broader into public health and safety – the conversation can broaden in so many ways from there, can’t it? I am glad you understand my intention with the focus of my letter.
Dear Lani, I think it’s a great letter & I’m so glad you posted it on your Blog so everyone has the chance to read it. I think the next step is to mail it to Oprah & ask her if she’d be interested in meeting with you so you could discuss your letter in depth & exchange ideas. Probably a better idea would be to contact her publicist & find out if you could meet with Oprah, then you could tell her about your letter & your concerns in person. Like Oprah, you’re an influencer & an inspiration to other women & maybe the timing is right for you to connect with someone else, another wonan an advocate, with their own a following who might be interested in your message. The animals & the future of our environment are tour common ground.
Hi Helene,
What a treat to see your note this morning! I wanted as many people as possible to be a part of this message, and by coming in and adding your thoughts, you have demonstrated just that. If you have an idea about how to more directly connect with Oprah, by all means let me know!
I appreciate your enthusiastic, warm support more than you know.
Sorry for the spelling errors! Doing more than one thing at a time, which is always a bad idea for me!
Helene, didn’t even notice! Had to go back through, and I see one or two and can easily correct for you if you likey! It is fine as is.