Long the victims of intense marketing campaigns by the Four Food Lobbies, we’ve been sold a gallon of milk and a bill of goods by the dairy industry one time to many.
Warning! This revealing presentation by Dr. John McDougall, M.D., will tilt the milk cart on what you may have previously heard about dairy and milk products when it comes to bone less, calcium, and protein.
Prepare to be challenged to take a second look at that innocent chunk of cheese if not abandon it altogether. In other words, if your fitness trainer or health advisor is recommending snacks of cottage chess, yogurt, or milk – no matter how skim – it’s time to take a hard look at what else they might be telling you about diet too.
The good news is that life beyond dairy is full of possibility. Weight loss. Better bones. Elimination of congestion. No more ear infections. No more throat phlegm. And better elimination altogether. Reduced joint inflammation. Lowered cholesterol and cleaner arteries. Somebody stop me!
Does ditching dairy sound impossible to you?
And if ditching dairy seems like an impossibility to you, believe me I get that. Though I’ve eaten vegetarian for years, I really only nailed the dairy portion, despite my better judgement, over one year ago. It’s resulted in – well, pretty much everything I listed for you above in “the good news is….”
What stands out most to you about this video presentation?
Lani Muelrath, M.A., CGFI, CPBN, is the author of The Plant-Based Journey and Fit Quickies™ .
image: brancusi7

Lani – this was absolutely wonderful, insightful, and I am sending it to my daughter (def effects of more calcium and loss of bones) as well as sister, BIL – both in medical and scientists with cancer. Told my mom about it, and she actually listened to me (with salient points as so explicitly yet simply stated by Dr. McD)!! I can’t thank you enough for posting this!!
Man, I REALLy want to go on one of his retreats!!!
And man, did he sum up my childhood until I was finally diagnosed with lactose intolerance!! And I see now that the little bit of dairy I allow myself is what is still causing a lot of my sinus problems, headaches and possibly even emo-eating I have been doing lately (more milk in coffee on outings – stops NOW).
Paym, don’t you love it when a little reinforcement with facts and details makes you step up to a new level? I’m so glad you are finding ways to utilize and share this content. You go!
Thanks for your post,
Oh. My. Goo’ness. (!) This was amazing! I have been dairy free now for over 10 days. It’s true: focus on starches and veggies and suddenly, a lovely, lovely world opens up!
Things are still not perfect and I have a way to go, but just had to comment. Love your blog…and you! 🙂
Keturah, what a mellow comment and you sound wonderful. Congrats on the new directions in food and it sounds like you are off to a wonderful next leg of your journey!
Thanks so much for stopping in. Me likey 😉
i just experienced this….a month ago although I follow McDougall I went back and tried some of Ornish’s nonfat yogurt strained into cheese. It was in his old cookbooks and since I had a bypass 15 years ago, I remembered that I liked it. Well back then I had sciatica pretty bad. I ate this “cheese” for this part month and got extremely bad neck pain for almost the better part of the month. I stopped the dairy, stopped taking a few pills recommended by another dr. and I am now much better! This is an important video…he tells it like it is!
Nancy, well if that isn’t personal validification, I’ll eat my non-dairy hat! Thanks so much for sharing your story.
Unfortunately, the video does not seem to be working in this blog post and I wanted to let you know so that it can be repaired. I would really like to watch the video to learn more about why dairy is not good for you.
Hi Bridgit! Thanks so much for bringing this to my attention – just repaired it. Does it show for you now?
In some countries, especially those with small numbers of animals being milked, as well as harvesting the milk from an animal, the dairy may also process the milk into butter, cheese and yogurt, for example. This is a traditional method of producing specialist milk products, especially in Europe.;-
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