Rockie, in the event you are late to the story, is the infant squirrel we found crawling around helplessly on the forest floor right outside our front door last summer, It was perfect timing, because with a little love, a lot of formula, and important shelter, she grew and thrived into adolescence.
Then, just as she was getting her forest legs, we had to leave for 2 weeks, not knowing how Rockie would fare in our absence.
And here’s the update! Rockie has thrived another 3 months and is now a wild, rehabbed squirrel who drops by for sunflower seeds and peanuts every few days. But the transition was not without its perils! Find out about Rockie’s tangle with ‘Gnarly’, the biggest baddest squirrel in the hood (her right ear has never been the same, but Rockie prevailed!), her favorite games of hide-and-seek, and more. I know you’re going to love Greg’s amazing movie update.
Just in case you missed part 1, you’ can see the whole cliff-hanger story here: Merry wildlife Christmas! The Saga of Rockie our Squirrel – NEW video.
Rockie’s spirit of adventure and joy of life and the wild make her the perfect plant-based fitness blog mascot. Share this video with your friends, family, on facebook, pinterest, wherever a story of heart-warming courage and some great laughter and a few tears can just perhaps make someone’ s day.

aww…we found a squirrel last year, a baby on her last leg, but she didn’t make it. We fed her formula from a dropper, but it just wasn’t enough. Glad to see that you were successful!
Oh Karen, that must have been so difficult! Gosh, Rockie was so helpless at first we didn’t think she’d make it either – you can see how vulnerable she was in video #1.