When I asked Natala if she would be a guest on my TeleClass series, she was emphatic about playing up the health changes from her diet and mentioning the weight loss only anecdotally.
Now, for most of us, weight loss – especially with such impressive numbers – is a head-turner. At the same time, I get Natala’s point. You’ll see for yourself when you hear about her journey to health with a plant-strong diet.
As a matter of fact, I can’t wait for you to meet this extraordinary, courageous woman with a story to tell that is going to knock your socks off.
How else do you explain it when someone says that her 200 lb weight loss was just a side benefit of the improvements in her health?
That finding energy, vitality, and freedom from over a dozen medications are the real wins – the lost poundage is just an added benefit?
I know. This is why you’ve got to meet Natala.
Whether or not you come to the Teleclass November 29 (to sign up click HERE and remember if you can’t make it LIVE when you sign up, I’ll send you the recording after), Natala inspires with her story, the short version of which you find here. I’ll let her tell you more in her own words:
Hi Lani,
Almost 3 years ago I was at the end of my rope.
I had suffered from Type 2 diabetes for over 5 years. Despite nutritionists, dietitians, and many well meaning doctors, my blood sugar was constantly out of control. At just over 30 years old I already had neuropathy in my legs and eyes. I constantly had issues with my feet and legs, my legs were swollen all the time, and I kept getting infections in my legs and feet. Eventually, one of the infections got out of control and the doctors thought they might have to partially amputate part of my lower right leg to remove the infection.
I was devastated. I was so tired of having diabetes and trying so many different things to help my blood sugar numbers go down. I had mostly been on high protein diets in the five years, and none of them helped at all.
My diabetes, instead, got worse. When I found out about the possibility of having part of my leg amputated I decided that I should end my life, I thought that was the only way off of this horrible cycle of bad health. I did not want to go through the next several years sick, I did not want my husband to have to go through it either.
I just wanted it all to end.
That is where I was about three years ago. An out of control Type 2 diabetic taking between 11-15 medications (for every thing from high BP, hormonal issues, cholesterol, weight and diabetes) weighing over 400 pounds, on the brink of suicide, without an ounce of hope.
Thankfully, I found the answer when I found out about plant-based nutrition. Today I do not take any medications, and my diabetes is in control. I have no neuropathy in my legs, feet or eyes.
I have lost 200 pounds as a side effect to healthy eating. I have more energy than I know what to do with. Because of our good health, my husband and I were able to leave our home near Washington DC and start traveling all over the country. We have lived in small towns of 150 people and large cities, and we’ve never had any trouble eating a healthy plant-strong diet. We absolutely love life and we both discovered that there was so much more life to be had once we were healthy!
This is the easiest thing I have ever done for myself and for my health.
There is a lot more to my story, so I hope everyone tunes in! There is hope when it comes to your health!
Natala is now also on the Rip Esselstyn Engine 2 DietTeam and travels the country presenting for the Engine 2 Immersion program., when she’s not romping in a new US destination with her traveling companion and husband, Matt.
Believe me, you want to take this call.
TeleClass Details and Where to Sign Up
Who: Natala Constantine with host (moi!) Lani Muelrath
Date: Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Time: 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. Pacific, 8:00 – 9:00 EST
Where: Anyplace you can get to a phone or computer (webcast option; access details will be sent prior to the call to everyone registered)
Simply click on the “Sign Up Now” button below, and you will be taken to the Success Club page to register. Success Club is a month-to-month membership program for the Plant-Strong Fitness Expert Teleclasses, and you can cancel at any time. If you are a member of FitDream Fusion Inner Circle, you also have access to these calls as one of the privileges of membership.
P.S. Natala will be taking questions on the call so if you have some in advance that you’d like to get in the queue now, please post in replies below!
Thanks for reading this post. Please join me now on my facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/lanimuelrath. See you there!
Stay In The Healthy, Fit, Happy & Hot Loop!
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Thank you for posting this story today. It is such an important message and I have several family member (whom I will be seeing this week for Thanksgiviing holiday) who would benefit so much from hearing this message. Now I have a quick and easy place to link them to when the questions come up.
I’ve made such huge changes in my health, thanks in no small part to all the information and direction you have provided. Keep the inspirations coming!
And thanks to Natala for being so open and being on the Success Club call, too. Can’t wait!
As I’m in Success Club, you’ll just be sending the call information, right?
thanks again!
Jennifer, thank you so much for your comments this morning, you’ve already made my day!
And yes, I’ll be sending the call/webcast information automatically to everyone in Success Club and FitDream Fusion.
So glad you can make this call. Talk soon!