The FDA called
Holy health in high places!
A staff member from the FDA in attendance at the recent PCRM International Conference on Diabetes – that I recently reported in to you about here – in apparent enthusiasm, shared her copy of my book Fit Quickies – along with details about my Conference presentations – with her department at the FDA.
Long short, they want me to do some Healthy Living sessions with FDA team members – about the fitness, the food, and all of those wonderful connections that you know I have an undying enthusiasm for.
Is this this fun or what?
We’re working out the details now, and I promise to keep you posted on this extraordinary development and opportunity.
I got my new mountain bike
One of my ‘areas of future growth’ is learning to make quicker decisions. I’ve been researching mountain bikes for months!
My road bike – as much as I love her for paved road biking- is simply not up to the task of the trails we are riding every day. I need some fat tires and front shocks for that.
After much research and deliberation, I finally arrived at a decision and picked up my new mountain bike just two days ago. She’s even a fun, sexy red.
My maiden voyage went wonderfully! Greg snapped pictures so I could share the moment with you.
Healthy Taste of Sacramento event!
While posting this message for you with one hand, with the other I’m furiously packing to leave for Sacramento for the Healthy Taste of Sacramento event this weekend!
I’ll be sharing the stage with Dr. John McDougall, Richard Oppenlander, Doug Lisle, Chef Aj, Miyoko Schinner, Ramses Bravo, and Linda Middlesworth.
This event has been sold out for weeks and I’m still pinching myself that I get to be a part of this event!
I promise to tell you all about it after.
And if you are in attendance at Healthy Taste of Sacramento on Sunday August 24, you must promise to introduce yourself!
I’ll be presenting about the Food and Fitness Connection – The Powerful Effect of Physical Activity on the Plant-Based Journey.
There will be lots of food, a book table with all the author’s books for sale so you can flesh out your plant-based library, and more fun and familiar faces than one has a right to in any one day.
For now, better get to packing BUT before I go, the announcement you’ve been waiting for:
The winner of the new Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease Cookbook
That brings us to door number three – the winner of the all-new Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease Cookbook by Ann and Jane Esselstyn.
We had over 325 entries in this giveaway. 325!
As a matter of fact, yesterday on my phone was a personal message left by none other than Ann Esselstyn herself. She wanted to express her appreciation personally for the giveaway and all the enthusiasm around the giveaway.
Personally, I think I am the lucky one to have the privilege of bringing the news about this book to you!
THANK you to all who entered. A random drawing from the 325 delivered the winner’s name:
Kathy Kusk
Kathy, please email me your mailing address so we can get your copy off to you pronto!
And all who entered, thank you SO so much for playing along and delivering such great information. I read every entry and it’s fascinating to find out what we’re all looking for! Although everything from breakfasts to desserts was mentioned, a lot of people are looking for dressings and sauces to provide exciting finishes to meals. I’m always looking for a delicious, simple topper to salads, vegetables, whole grains and starchy vegetables and pasta myself.
You can preorder this book NOW by clicking here.
Watch for more book giveaways coming up quite soon – right here! I’ve more titles that I know you are going to love.
Got to go finish packing my bags for the Healthy Taste event. But I had to update you with all of this week’s news!

I love my Giant Sedona! Your trail looks fabulous Lani, as do you!
Yay! A mountain bike buddy! Thanks Sue! You must link me to a picture of you on your wheels!