I heard from Vicki this morning.
She made my day. And I’ll tell you why.
Yes, she’s down 20 lbs since a year ago when she signed on with the Woman’s Fitness BluePrint Coaching Program.
And even more – better yet – her inner shift that made it possible is in full bloom today.
Here’s the letter Vicki sent me today.
Hi Lani!
It’s been about a year since I took your Woman’s Fitness BluePrint class and time for a little update.
I am now down 20 pounds!
That’s about 2 sizes, and I have no idea how many inches because my measurement record is missing. No biggie, I have photos.
Since your class I have taken a huge interest in nutrition, for both me and my family’s sake. For my birthday this month I got myself a Blendtec blender and started green smoothies. The kids even like them! I was determined to find ways to boost our immunity and keep us healthy this year and it’s working.
Learning to listen to my body and what it likes and needs is an amazing thing.I realized that I had more healing from the inside out to do than I was aware of, and my weight/inch losses usually come in spurts, corresponding with something that is going on inside of me. I feel like I’m not explaining this well, but I think you will get it. I am working on cutting out coffee because I suspect some adrenal issues and it’s probably affecting my sleep. I’m down to 1/2 cup a day now!
Still fasting too. It took me almost the whole year to get into it, but now my body has accepted it and I can really feel when I need to fast.
I am thrilled to have come so far, and (in a good way) I still see plenty of room for improvement. I feel up to some extra motivation now.
So here’s that photo I promised once I got under 150. This was about a month ago and I think my neck has thinned and my arms have lost a bit since then. I’m about 146 now and who knows where I’ll end up.
I also wanted to say thanks for all the help you give out on your blog and on the forum!
Gotta go, VickiP.S. I can’t even tell you how much my relationship with food has changed. Probably life-saving. My Husband and kids are on board too. I’m trying to have a positive effect on the rest of my family too.
As you can imagine, this letter out of the blue from Vicki has been thrilling to receive. The freedom and happiness in her voice is the most gratifying and happy experience a coach can have!
Blessings to you, Vicki. Job well done. And THANK you for writing today!
Vicki, rewind
A bit of history. If you haven’t already read Vicki’s success testimonial on the Woman’s Fitness BluePrint page, here is what she had to say upon completing the course:
“Bottom line, Lani’s Woman’s Fitness Blueprint Action Plan for Success Coaching Program has delivered outstanding results in areas that I have never been able to achieve before.
I have finally been able to experience changes in my body that I have been trying to make for a long time!
It has been at least 7 years that I have been stuck, and in spite of all the diet and exercise knowledge I have studied, none of it was working.
I was so confused and ready to give up.
Since starting this class, however, I am down over 5 lbs and 8 inches – 2.5 in my waist alone. I am extremely thrilled that I now have the tools to deliver this extraordinary progress and continue forward.
Previously, I would get to a place where I would start having progress with my fitness and then I would “fall off the wagon” – my progress would stall, I wouldn’t get any further, and then I’d just lose ground. This was very discouraging.
I came to this course wanting to learn why I kept running into the wall – and how to get through it.
Though I was still afraid of failing again, I’d look at Lani’s photos from her 10 year history, and think “that looks like me…and to see her now, WOW – I want that!” It’s not just the inch loss, it’s the vitality and energy that come through.
I wanted to be confident in myself again, to fit into my clothes comfortably, and not worry about any camera pointing at me.
I gave it a chance and will never look back at my old ways.
The specific tools, progression, and coaching Lani provided made the difference. It has given me the opportunity to finally move forward to achieving my dreams – and not only that, but experience peace and freedom along the way. This is priceless to me!
I am looking at everything differently now. My body is visibly trimmer, and I have a whole new, healthy relationship with food and eating.My energy is up. I look forward to each day as well as the challenges of the future, knowing I now have the tools and skills to realize my goals and dreams.
It is amazing how this course is “seeping into” the rest of my life in so many positive ways. The behavior changes and mental mastery that I have learned are HUGE for me. I now know that if I can do this, I can do ANYTHING!
Now that I have Lani’s secrets to move me forward, I can continue to have success. I highly recommend Lani’s program for anyone seeking major shifts for lasting change, she is an amazing coach and I am so glad I took her class.
~ Vicki H., Dublin, Ohio

WOW, what an amazing testimony, Vicki, both in words and in pictures! You look fantastic. I am printing your story out to put in my Tappy Holidays notebook under the Inspiration section! Your timing for writing to Lani is more than perfect!
@Jean: Jean, isn’t Vicki’s story amazing? Thanks for stopping in to comment – it’s great to celebrate with her!
Congratulations Vicki! It is so wonderful to read about how positive Lani’s coaching has been for you. And your photos are amazing too!
Wonderful Vicki! You look great! What a wonderful inspirational story.
Lani has been an amazing help for me too.
Best wishes from a fellow Ohioan!
Wow! I love that her before and after pictures are in similar outfits. It really shows a BIG difference! Congrats to Vicki. 🙂
@Casey: Casey, isn’t it way cool the way Vicki did that with the outfits? It really gives a wonderful comparison. She’s done amazing work!