Yowzah! Who's that climbing around in the cherry tree making fruit eating more festive than ever?

Special occasion overeating.

You know what I’m talking about.  “But it’s Christmas!”  “But it’s Friday!” “But it’s…..!”

Special occasion overeating could also be called  self-permission to eat all the wrong foods.

You know, the ones that are not compatible with your health and body-shaping goals in -free-wheeling amounts.

Honestly, when was the last time you had a broccoli binge?

Let’s get one thing straight

If  special occasion overeating is your downfall, you already know that it can completely sabotage your health, weight, and body shaping progress.

It can make arrival at your body ideal impossible.

Women often come to me with questions about this problem.

Usually it is in frustration with how they ‘caved in’ to  yet  another opportunity to overeat due to a special occasion.

  • family was visiting.
  • getaway weekend at a beach house with friends.
  • child’s birthday.
  • parent’s anniversary.
  • your laundry is done.

They want to know how I overcome these opportunities to indulge in temptations so that I can have the ongoing success with health and freedom from a weight and body ‘problem’.

Knowing that this was at one time a huge challenge for me, too, is comforting.

Today I’m going to share 2 simple strategies to help you take special occasion overeating off your regular dance card and put it where it belongs.

Which actually should be the very rare special occasion, not  the  one you can conjure up several times a month – or week.

Don’t laugh.  You know what I mean.

Special occasion overeating has been on my mind for a reason.

Before we get to those strategies, let me tell you what inspired the topic.

Just before we left for Italy last week, one of my sisters, knowing I’m ‘off dairy’, asked me incredulously, “So, you’re not going to even have any gelato while you’re in Italy?”

I immediately recognized where her thoughts were coming from.  When in Rome, it’s a ‘given’ that you’ll abandon all health objectives and other convictions for the expected  gustatory adventure.  Right?

Is it possible to travel to Italy without indulging?

Yes, it’s entirely possible.  And as a matter of fact you can thrive even in the midst of sticking to your food convictions while in the heart of cheese, cream, and chocolate croissant country.  Let alone your own home.

So, how does one do it?  Overcome the urge for special occasion overeating?

Here are 2 strategies to help you avoid special occasion overeating.

I’ve shared some examples from personal experience this week while traveling in Italy.

1) Focus on the positives. Indulge in and keep your attention on all that you DO get to eat.

  • Pass the pasta, please! If Italy is synonymous with gelati, it is even more so with pasta.  No problem. With a jar of basil tomato sauce  – easily found in the market  –  we’ve indulged  in several magnificent pasta meals.   Tonight I tossed in some other picks from today’s market:  eggplant, mushrooms, summer squash, and succulent cannelloni beans.  Yums.
  • Make friends with fruit: In the garden below the Tuscan farm house where we are staying, the cherries on the tree are bursting.   True to my ‘ tom girl’ nature, after our hike through the olive groves to and back from the river, I scrambled up the branches and ate right from the treetop.  See photo. The point? With a fiber-full, plant-strong eating plan, this is one of the joys of eating freedom.   I DO get to eat plenty of delicious, heart-and-soul satisfying fresh fruit.  So can you.

2) Create delicious, hearty festivity around all the color, flavors, and carbohydrate indulgences of the plant-strong diet that not only keep you well  fed , they also help you keep your skinny on.

  • Bread bonus round: Totally addicted to big fat tomato sandwiches, we’ve been easily able to keep up our habit with thick slices of fresh bread piled with tomatoes just coming into season.   Sprinkled with balsamic vinegar and a shave of fresh pepper and served with a big bowl of fresh lentil-carrot-onion-potato  soup. Nothing satisfies hunger for hours like pulses, potatoes and whole grains.
  • If it’s summer, this must be veggies: Our first stop was in the market was produce.  Show me the plants!  Into our basket went eggplant, sweet onions, salad greens,  arugula, tomatoes, carrots and zucchini squash with blossoms intact.  Heaped on our farmhouse table and jockeying in line to be selected for meal prep,  I can’t help but wonder how it is possible that people could ever have a hard time eating their vegetables.  Stick with me,baby.

See what’s happening here? It’s part of that all-important mindset for mastery that  I insist play such a key role in my programs such as the Woman’s Fitness Blueprint Action Plan for Success, and  Body Transformation Booty Camps.

Do the same for yourself.  To recap:

Stay focused on the amazing array of foods that you can freely eat and enjoy  with  a whole foods, plant-based, low fat diet while becoming and staying trim.

Celebrate the fun an  beauty of the foods in your dietary plant.

Then indulge and stay well fed.

And kiss all the pounds that come with that special occasion, low quality foods overeating goodbye.

Hello healthy, happy, gorgeous you.

Have you a strategy for overcoming the urge for special occasion overeating?  Please tell me about it in ‘Leave a Reply’ below!

P.S. One of my most powerful tools to transform the mental spiral that can slip you into ‘special occasion’ eating consciousness is to sneak in quick energizers, such as one of Fit Quickies or a lightening round of Burst Training. For a FREE download of one of my favorite Fit Quickies – 7 Seconds to a Flat Belly – and my User’s Guide for Burst Training, go here now.

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