This just in! A video vignette of the February McDougall Health and Medical Center Advanced Nutrition Study Weekend.
I took pages of notes during the event so that I could report directly back in to you, and this 7 minutes of video clips gives you a tantalizing overview.
As a matter of fact, this event had me tearing through over 75 pages in my shiny new notebook. That’s why I am able to share out with you so many details of the McDougall-Fuhrman debate.
I’ll be sharing as much as I can fit into the hour of Wednesday night’s Teleclass, too. I am amazed at how much is squeezed into 3 days at the ASW. In addition to the fine Dr’s debate, moderated by Whole Foods Market CEO John Mackey, we heard from Kathy Freston, Melanie Joy, H. Gilbert Welch (author of Overdiagnosed), Dr. Matt Lederman (you’ll recognize him from Forks Over Knives), Dr. Doug Lisle, Dr. Michale Klaper, Dr. Michael Greger, and even had food cooked for us by Lindsay Shay Nixon, the Happy Herbivore. You can see why my notebook is full!
Lots more in the days and weeks ahead, and on the February 29 FitDream Fusion and Success Club Teleclass, of course!
Thanks so much for coming by. Please join me also on facebook.
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wow Lani i have just watched the 7 minute video and boy i wished i lived in the states with you guys so i could go to Dr McDougalls study weekend, there were so many things that were of interest on the vidoe but only a touch on each subject and speaker and i would have loved to hear them all talk in depth, but at least you have posted the information for us, so thanks once again i am keeping truly inspired, cheers Anna
Anna, I know, what a goldmine! Were you on the Success Club call last night? I went page by page through my notes and after an hour wasn’t even halfway done, so I’m going to do part 2 on the March call next week. Even if you can’t come to the call live, I always record and sent them out after. Let me know if you are interested in learning more about Success Club or FitDream Fusion. Thanks!
Hi Lani would love to know more about the success club and the fitdream fusion, not sure what they are but happy to try and learn, would be awesome. guess what today when i got to work Lani i have got 3 more Doctors interested in the Mc Dougalls program, i am just so excited about it all., so tomoorw will take my scrapbook with me and tell them all about how it works, i did put on weght this week just like you said but i am not giving up, i am so much happier and satisfied and i know if i stick with it it will work, cheers Anna
Anna, Success Club is a no-brainer at $9.99/month for our montly training calls with yours truly and my guests, PLUS you get 3 bonus audios just for signing up! If you decide to jump in now, I’ll be happy to send you the recording from Feb 29 – AND we have another call this week! Here’s the link: Success Club. With FitDream Fusion Inner Circle Membership, you get even more – not only the calls but private forums with me and archives of recordings and documents for support in a healthier, happier plant-based lifestyle. Here’s the link to more on FitDream Fusion.
As for you and the Aussie docs, well, you GO! and I’d be happy to be a liason of introduction between them and Dr. McDougall. You can give them my contact information and email. It would be great to connect the docs direct!
awesome Lani thanks for the links will have a look into them now and sign up for sure, sounds a great way to get good accurate information and to stay in the know, cheers Anna
This looks great! Thanks for posting! I wanted to attend…
Thanks Vicky – it took place a couple of weeks ago yet there’s another one right around the corner in September. Stay tuned! And what a lovely blog you have! How did we meet?