Last night the CHIP program officially got underway in Paradise, California.
And as a launch surprise to everyone, the director of the CHIP program had purchased a copy of Fit Quickies: 5 Minute Targeted Body Shaping Workouts for every participant! Needless to say everyone was quite excited and I had a blast connecting with each individual as they came back to have their book author signed.
The CHIP program is the longest standing community-based immersion program for healthy change. CHIP stands for Complete Health Improvement Project, and is the brainchild of Dr. Hans Diehl. Dr. Diehl had for a long time been associated with the Pritikin Health program, yet was desirous of making something more accessible — and affordable – to more and more people.
CHIP program participants now number more than 50,000 worldwide, and it is rapidly growing. These 6 week sessions (flexible, depending on the chapter) provide weekly (and sometimes more) meeting for education and support with plant-based, whole foods low fat diet, exercise, and good attitude – a perfect match for Fit Quickies!
For the past several years, I have been teaching and presenting at some of the evening programs during the sessions, teaching about exercise and the perfect connection for health with a whole foods, plant-based diet.
Fit Quickies in the CHIP bookstore
It’s no secret that I am deeply honored that directors of CHIP have asked to stock Fit Quickies in their resources store. This means Fit Quickies is listed adjacent to books by Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr. Neal Barnard, and The China Study. Their enthusiasm about Fit Quickies and the 3 Pillars philosophy has been deeply rewarding. You may recognize Dr. Diehl from the amazing endorsement he wrote for Fit Quickies here: Dr. Hans Diehl Fit Quickies endorsement.
Life Changing CHIP program
I highly recommend hooking up with a CHIP chapter near you for support in getting started or advancing with a healthy plant-based fitness lifestyle. As it is community based, you don’t have the expenses of a live-in program – as wonderful as they are – and you also have several weeks of training to help you reinforce and trouble shoot.
To find a CHIP chapter near you, go to the CHIP pages here CHIP:
And if you’re anywhere near Paradise, California it’s not too late to join us for the Spring 2013 program!