Full disclosure! Yes, as you know I am a champion of a whole foods, plant-based, low-fat diet. It’s a passion and along with staying fit, it’s what I talk about and teach every single day.
At the same time, I have never professed to nary a stray outside of the whole-foods box. Lest you think I never bake or eat vegan ‘junk’ food, today proved otherwise as this recipe has sugar, processed flour, and waaaay too much fat.
Today for Father’s Day I couldn’t help but FINALLY try baking chocolate chip scones from Colleen Patrick-Goudreau’s The Joy of Vegan Baking. And let me assure you, these did not disappoint. Colleen’s book is a masterpiece, so fun to look through, and I bake from it maybe once or twice a year.
Yes, the scones are as yummy as they look. And as the last time I baked a pastry was December of last year, a pumpkin pie for Christmas some 7 or 8 months ago, I am true to my word about the “occasional festive” and “feast” when it comes to items such as this on my plate. Remember, my dietary plan is a set of principles, not religious dogma. And no animal was harmed during the preparation of this food, a must, of course!
Enjoy what you eat! How was your Father’s Day?

sounds good Lani, you guys must celebrate fathers day at a idfferebt time to us, we dont have it here until september, all good going here still not eating ANY processed foods at all and feeling great and have read the starch solution 3 times now, just love it, take care and working on that photo cheers Anna
Anna, you are wise to stay true to form on your eats – when still weight to lose it is super helpful to stay on true course. 3 times through starch solution? Awesome!