Does being fit make you a happier person?
Sound like a silly question? We all figure the answer is of course yes. Yet rarely are we asked to articulate just why being fit makes us happier human beings.
Which is why I posted the question on forums and facebook. I got a whole boatload of responses. Some of them I share with you here today.

Never underestimate the happy powers of being fit!
Enjoy the inspirations and motivation shared below. Notice how many times the words “confident” and “beautiful” appear. Merry fitness!
Hi Lani – I can tell you that when I feel fit I feel energized. I bounce out of bed in the morning ready to take on the world. I feel ready for anything and my spirit and outlook is much more positive! ~ Dianne Wright
Tara C.
I feel more confident, sexier, happier in my clothes, I know i have more energy and I glow! I don’t get period pains, at all! I’m a more peaceful person. ~ Tara C.
It is easier for me to remain calm, happy, and “even keeled” with my family when I’ve exercised. I have recently been able to finally kick those stupid nagging thoughts of “selfishness” (ie that it is selfish of me as mom to take the time to exercise when I have so much to do) of taking the time to exercise… I now instead think of my exercising as me making an investment in my family and being a good steward of my limited resources. It’s so true that ‘when Mama ‘ ain’t happy, ‘ nobody happy”! ~ Nanci
Being fit helps me feel more confident. I’m confident that my body is working properly and that I am doing whatever I can to keep it that way. I believe that when I don’t keep myself fit, I begin to have a lower outlook on life. When I’m not fit I don’t feel well. When one doesn’t feel well, their outlook changes, it’s a spiral. Therefore, I keep myself fit, physically and spiritually to KEEP me from spiraling. ~ Laura-Grace
I so agree with confident in self care. I am so much more aware of my muscles & stand & sit up straighter and just feel beautiful. I believe if you treat your body like it’s beautiful, like eating well and doing beautiful things like exercise for it, it will feel that way and will be! When I feel beautiful I feel happier and can find the beauty in others more, too. Which makes me happier in turn. Kinda a snowball effect I guess. ~ Cathy Krause M.
Thanks to all these lovely contributors – this is just a slice of the big beautiful and confidant pie that was served up.
Please share your own thoughts in comments below in answer to the question “Does being fit make you a happier person?”
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Hi Lani!
Being fit and working at it are ways that I feel not only am taking charge but demonstrating self-care which is also self-respect. It’s made a huge difference in my enjoyment and happiness every day.
thanks for the inspiration and merry fitness to you, too! Thanks for all that you do.
~ Athena Jennings
YES! Self-care HUGE and the best thing we can do not only for ourselves but everyone in our life. Gosh, Michelle Obama was talking about this very thing last night on 20/20 – so you are definitely in good company!
thanks for coming by on a busy day – merry fitness!
Exercising and having a healthy lifestyle significantly evens out my otherwise roller coaster moods–it is my medicine, literally! I’ve also had to overcome the guilt of spending time going to the barre AND to kung fu (so fun, btw!), but I agree with Athena that it’s important to demonstrate self-care and an active lifestyle to my young girls. When I’m gone they miss me, but they also think that I’m cool for doing it and want to be active themselves 🙂
You say: “When I’m gone they miss me, but they also think that I’m cool for doing it and want to be active themselves” –
NEVER underestimate the power of the example you are modeling. The self-care and value they see you demonstrating is more important than anything you could tell them. Excellent!
Yeah Lani! :)))
What a great post. It’s good to hear the whys. Feeling beautiful and confident are so important, it doesn’t always have to be just about being healthy!
Perfect for today, Merry Christmas Lani! Have a wonderful day on your mountain top! 🙂
Glad you likey Tara and thanks again for your contribution. And your adorable picture!
Thanks and Merry Christmas too,